
Крила для України (Wings for Ukraine)

Thomas Bergersen
Language: Ukrainian

Thomas Bergersen

List of versions

Related Songs

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Kryła dlja Ukrajiny
Слова Марини Кореньової / Lyrics by Marina Koreneva
Музика Thomas Bergersen / Music by Thomas Bergersen
Album: Humanity – Songs for Ukraine


Boris Radilov, George Strezov, Georgi Elenkov PhD, Ognyan Georgiev, Iavor Pachovski, Velislava Georgieva, Delyan Kolev, Deyan Velikov.

Recording producer – Boris Radilov

Sound engineers - Plamen Penchev, Vladislav Boyadzhiev, Angeliya Vihrova.

Piano - Zornitsa Getova

Angelia Vihrova, Atanaska Popova, Vihra Smilkova, Gergana Miltenova, Ginka Koleva, Denitsa Georgieva, Eva Perchemlieva-Takanova, Evgenia Vasileva, Evelina Kulinski, Ekaterina Futchadzhieva, Elena Mehandzhiyska, Emiliya Kircheva, Iva Bizeva-Zasheva, Yoana Georgieva, Liliya Zdravkova, Nadezhda Dimitrova, Neda Atanasova, Nikolina Pankova, Srebrina Mineva, Flora Tarpomanova

Biliana Mikhailova, Velislava Skryliova, Galya Pavlova, Gergana Ryasheva, Dimana Ivanova, Iskrena Ivanova, Maria Venkova, Rositsa Indzheva, Hristina Buchkova, Yana Vasileva.

Atanas Yonkov, Georgi Elenkov PhD, Evgeni Dimitrov, Kalin Dushkov, Konstantin Tsvetkov, Mihail Mihaylov, Severin Vasilev.

Azad Agasyan, Atanas Madjarov, Dimitar Stoyanov, Emil Dakov, Konstantin Beikov, Nikolai Milev, Yanko Yankov.
Ти віра моя, [1]
Ти надія моя,
Крила любові розправ

З серця миру льются сльози,
плачусь наші діти
Тільки разом ми з тобою зможем їх зігріти,

Милу матінку планету заливає кров’ю ..
Біль накоплену з тобою зцілимо любов’ю.

О брате мій візьми за руку,
Любов та мир зупинять муки.
[1] Trascrizione / Transcription

Ty vira moja,
Ty nadija moja,
Kryła ljubovi rozpraŭ

Z sercja myru ljutsja sljozy,
Płačuś naši dity
Tilky razom my z toboju zmožem jix zihrity,

Myłu matinku płanetu zalivaje krov'ju...
Bil nakoplenu z toboju zcilimo ljubov'ju.

O brate mij viźmy za ruku,
Ljubov ta myr zupynjať muki.

Contributed by giorgio - 2022/4/15 - 08:56

Language: English

English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös:
Wings for Ukraine

You are my faith,
You are my hope,
Spread the wings of love

The heart of peace is tearing, [1]
our children are crying
Only together we can save them,

Our beloved mother planet is bleeding ..
Let's heal the accumulated pain by choosing. [2]

Oh my Brother please take my hand,
Only love and peace can stop the suffering...
[1] The translator must have mistaken here. The English verb “tear” has nothing to do with tears and only means “rip, rend, cleave”. So: "The heart of peace is crying, weeping, shedding tears" &c. [RV]

[2] Another rather mysterious translation.

Contributed by giorgio - 2022/4/15 - 09:12

Language: English

English translation 2 / Traduzione inglese 2 / Traduction anglaise 2 / Englanninkielinen käännös 2:
Christian Scharlau (L. Trans.)
Wings for Ukraine

You are my faith
You are my hope
Spread the wings of love

The heart of peace [1] is shedding tears,
Our children are crying
Only together we can make them warm

Our beloved Mother Planet is flooded with blood
Let's heal the accumulated pain through love

Oh my brother take my hand
Love and peace will stop the suffering.
[1] The word "мир" in Ukrainian (as also in Russian) can mean either "peace" or "world". My choice of "peace" in this case (though "world" might appear more obvious) takes into account the English translation of the lyrics in the Youtube video, thus respecting the author's intentions. [Translator's original note]

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2022/4/15 - 20:05

Language: Italian

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 15-4-2022 19:00
Ali per l'Ucraina

Tu sei la mia fede,
Tu sei la mia speranza,
Dispiega le ali dell'amore

Il cuore della pace [1] versa lacrime,
Piangono i nostri bambini,
Solo io e te possiamo dar loro calore...

Il nostro amato Pianeta Madre gronda di sangue,
Guariamo con l'amore la pena che abbiamo accumulato...

Fratello mio, prendimi per mano,
L'amore e la pace fermeranno la sofferenza.
[1] In ucraino, al pari del russo, il termine мир [myr] significa sia “pace” che “mondo” (nell'antica ortografia russa anteriore al 1918, i due significati venivano distinti scrivendo миръ per “pace” e мiръ per “mondo” (da un termine protoslavo che, in ultima analisi, è imparentato a livello indeuropeo col latino mītis e, quindi, col nostro “mite”). Si può quindi intendere, qui, anche “il cuore del mondo”, così come, nell'ultimo verso, anche “L'amore e la pace...”

2022/4/15 - 19:01

Language: Russian

Traduzione russa / Russian translation / Traduction russe / Venäjänkielinen käännös:
Christian Scharlau [L. Trans.]
Крылья для Украины

Ты вера моя
Ты надежда моя
Крылья любви расправь

Из сердца мира льются слезы,
плачут наши дети
Только вместе с тобой сможем их согреть

Милая матушка планета заливается кровью
Боль накопленную мы с тобой исцелим любовью

О брат мой возьми за руку
Любовь и мир остановят муки

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2022/4/15 - 20:50

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