
The Deserter

Fairport Convention
Langue: anglais

Fairport Convention

Liste des versions

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Don’t Sign Up for War
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(trad. arr Fairport Convention)

Album: "Liege & Lief" (1969)

Liege & Lief
According to Mainly Norfolk: English Folk and Other Good Music, “The Deserter” - nota anche con il titolo “Ratcliff Highway”, che è poi una strada dell'East End di Londra dal passato malfamato assai – è una canzone che risale alla prima metà dell'800 (vedi Bodleian Roud 493). Infatti il Prince Albert citato nell'ultima strofa è il principe Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1819-1861), consorte della Regina Vittoria.


E i Fairport Convention non sono stati i primi ad incidere la canzone, che l'anno prima ci avevano già pensato The Young Tradition di Peter Bellamy nel loro album “Galleries” pubblicato nel 1968.

(Bernart Bartleby)
As I was a-walking along Ratcliffe Highway
A recruiting party came a-beating my way.
They enlisted me and treated me 'til I did not know
Unto the Queen's barracks they forced me to go.

When first I deserted, I thought myself free
Until my cruel comrade informed against me.
I was quickly followed after and brought back with speed,
I was handcuffed and guarded, heavy irons put on me.

Court martial, court martial, they held upon me
And the sentence passed upon me, three hundred and three.
May the Lord have mercy on them for their sad cruelty,
For now the Queen's duty lies heavy on me.

When next I deserted, I thought myself free
Until my cruel sweetheart informed against me.
I was quickly followed after and brought back with speed
I was handcuffed and guarded, heavy irons put on me.

Court martial, court martial then quickly was got
And the sentence passed upon me, that I was to be shot.
May the Lord have mercy on them for their sad cruelty,
For now the Queen's duty lies heavy on me,

Then up rode Prince Albert in his carriage and six,
Saying, ``Where is that young man whose coffin is fixed?
Set him free from his irons and let him go free,
For he'll make a good soldier for his Queen and country.''

E' vero che la canzone cita il Principe Alberto (marito della Regina Vittoria) ma contiene al suo interno un ampio aggiornamento di precedenti canzoni risalenti almeno al 1700. In questa versione dei Fairport il Principe si rivela un eroe e arriva il lieto fine ma non sempre era così. Nella famigerata Ratcliffe Highway (London Docks - Stepney) scaltre prostitute adescavano e spesso derubavano, malmenandoli, ingenui o inconsapevoli marinai di passaggio.

Flavio Poltronieri - 12/7/2022 - 14:30

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