

Langue: finnois

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Käenpoika (Laulu fasismista)
Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
(Autori Vari / Different Authors / Différents Auteurs)
Jäähyväiset aseille
(Kollaa Kestää)


Paris, Rue Soufflot, 1848.
Paris, Rue Soufflot, 1848.

The old, beloved Barricades form now the object of a new song itinerary starting, rather obviously, with one of the most celebrated (and complicated) pages of our database website. Songs about barricades are not, and cannot be, “antiwar” songs: when people were called to the barricades, they were called to fight and resist against -usually well armed- enemies carrying guns and cannons into the core of the cities. The history of barricades is long, both in terms of real, historical events and as a firmly established symbol of people's resistance against oppression. This is why there are so many songs calling to real, physical barricades made of everything thrown down into the streets to form an obstacle, and to ideal barricades made of ideas and ideals, thrown down into people's heads to form an obstacle to any kind of oppression, repression, political and social normalization.

You may have noticed that the huge Warszawianka – A las barricadas page includes now an extensive Finnish section. But Finland has also its own song calling to barricades: the so-called Barrikadimarssi “March of Barricades” (or: to the barricades). This is an old work song known in Finland, but possibly of Russian origin, with remarkably warlike words. The song is based on an old Russian military march, Тоска по родине [Toska po rodině] “Longing for the Fatherland”; the first Finnish version of the song was published as the “March of the Russian Barricades for Circles and Orchestras” [Venäläisten barrikaadien marssi kööreille ja soittokunnille] in a collection of working songs. The song was not known in the Soviet Union, but due to its style it was originally thought to be Russian. It has also been suggested that the song was written by Finns in St. Petersburg, or by Sveaborg rebels in 1905-1906. The Barrikadimarssi became very popular as a broadside ballad during the Civil War. According to Ludvig Kosonen, when performing the song as a group song in the 1920s, certain words had to be omitted such as the opening “Brothers and sisters, to the Barricades!”. [RV]

Performed by Åttopojat in the album Aatetta jaloa
Veikot, siskot, barrikadein luo!
Oi, veikot, uhkaa meitä vaino taas!
Se kyllin monta uhria jo kaas!
Nyt, veljet, kostonsäilät temmatkaa,
ja sitten kohti sortajaa!

Oi, veikot, uhkaa meitä vaino taas!
Se kyllin monta uhria jo kaas!
Nyt, veljet, kostonsäilät temmatkaa,
ja sitten kohti sortajaa!

Jaloa, suurta taistella
on ihmisoikeudesta!
Ei meitä tykit peloita,
ei raa'at sotajoukotkaan.

Jaloa, suurta taistella
on ihmisoikeudesta!
Ei meitä tykit peloita,
ei raa'at sotajoukotkaan.

Eespäin, veikot, vaan! Nyt taisteloon!
Ihana suuri taistelo
nyt meitä veljet vuottaa jo.
Luo barrikadein käyköön tie,
meit' taistoon punalippu vie.

Ihana suuri taistelo
nyt meitä veljet vuottaa jo.
Luo barrikadein käyköön tie,
meit' taistoon punalippu vie.

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 11/1/2022 - 18:34

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 11-1-2022 18:44

Instrumental version by Helsingin Työväenyhdistyksen Soittokunta
Marcia delle barricate

Fratelli, sorelle, alle barricate!
Fratelli, la persecuzione ci minaccia ancora!
Quante e troppe vittime ha già mietuto!
Ora, fratelli, afferrate le sciabole della vendetta,
E poi, addosso all'oppressore!

Fratelli, la persecuzione ci minaccia ancora!
Quante e troppe vittime ha già mietuto!
Ora, fratelli, afferrate le sciabole della vendetta,
E poi, addosso all'oppressore!

È nobile e grande combattere
Per i diritti dell'uomo!
Non ci spaventano i cannoni
E neppure le feroci armate.

È nobile e grande combattere
Per i diritti dell'uomo!
Non ci spaventano i cannoni
E neppure le feroci armate.

Avanti ancora, fratelli! Alla battaglia ora!
Una prodigiosa e grande lotta
Ci attende già ora, fratelli.
Ci porti la strada alle barricate,
La bandiera rossa ci conduce alla battaglia.

Una prodigiosa e grande lotta
Ci attende già ora, fratelli.
Ci porti la strada alle barricate,
La bandiera rossa ci conduce alla battaglia.

11/1/2022 - 18:44

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

Brothers, sisters, to the barricades!
Brothers, once again we are threatened by oppression!
Too many have fallen victim to tyranny!
Thus, brothers, grab your sword of revenge
and charge towards the tyrant!

Brothers, once again we are threatened by oppression!
Too many have fallen victim to tyranny!
Thus, brothers, grab your sword of revenge
and charge towards the tyrant!

It’s a noble, great fight
for human rights!
We are not afraid of guns
nor of cruel armies!

It’s a noble, great fight
for human rights!
We are not afraid of guns
nor of cruel armies!

Forward, brothers! Charge!
A magnificent great battle
awaits us, brothers!
Ahead to the barricades,
to a battle for the Red Flag!

A magnificent great battle
awaits us, brothers!
Ahead to the barricades,
to a battle for the Red Flag!

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 12/1/2022 - 14:12

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