
I Don't Wanna

Henry Flynt & the Insurrections
Lingua: Inglese

Henry Flynt & the Insurrections

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Testo trovato su Vietnam War Song Project

I Don't Wanna

Un blues un po' straniante ma estremamente chiaro. Non voglio andare nel Vietnam del sud, non voglio ammazzare i vietnamiti, datemi un lavoro qua a casa mia.
I don't wanna go to South of Vietnam
I don't wanna go to South of Vietnam

I don't wanna fight a million miles from home
I don't wanna kill the Vietnamese
I don't wanna kill the Vietnamese

I don't wanna be shot down in a bomber plane
Give me a job right here at home
Give me a job right here at home

Give me a government a call my own

12/11/2021 - 23:04

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