
So This Is What It's Like

David Rovics
Language: English

David Rovics

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Parole e musica di David Rovics
Album: Strangers & Friends

"To live in a country with concentration camps." - David Rovics
So this is what it's like to live in such a place
Where kids with book bags and braces
Take the bus to school
And learn the Golden Rule

So this is what it's like to live in such a nation
Where people stay within their stations
Where the businessmen wear ties
They have a burger, Coke and fries

So this is what it's like to live in a country
Where kids go to the beach to party
Mowing lawns for summer wages
While other kids get put in cages

So this is what it's like when you learn to go ahead
Put your kids to bed
Try not to think, as you turn out the lamp
About the ones in our detention camps

So this is what it's like with the rule of law suspended
Society upended
You don't know what to do
They're taking away your neighbors, but they're not citizens like you

So this is what it's like

Contributed by hmmwv - 2021/4/16 - 20:18

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