
Sea of Sorrow

Tir Nan Og
Lingua: Inglese

Tir Nan Og

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Sing, Ye Bastards!
Sing, Ye Bastards!

In supporto a Sea-Watch
You're asking me, to sing a happy song
But how could I when happiness is gone?
See the tears and the world is goint by,
Sing a happy song when all I want is cry
Sing a happy song when all I want is cry

You're asking me to put a smile upon my face
But how could I when I feel this bitter taste
Ashes in my mouth and a weariness inside
Smiling when the smile just wants to hide
Smiling when the smile just wants to hide

I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow
have this anger washed away
I have my head up, looking for tomorrow
when I look around I only see today.

You're asking me, to sing a happy song
But how could I when happiness is gone?
See the bodies lying face down in the sand.
Sing a happy song for those who reach the land.
Sing a happy song for those who reach the land.

You're asking me to put a smile upon my face
But how could I when I feel this bitter taste
Looking at myself what lesson do I teach
Seeing corpses lying facedown on the beach
When help was just too far away to reach

inviata da Dq82 - 9/3/2021 - 19:14

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