

Holly Herndon
Langue: anglais

Holly Herndon

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Album: PROTO

Dalla voce incredibile di Holly Herndon, artista americana ma basata a Berlino un brano sperimentale e elettronico ma anche accessibile che si rifà alla tradizione della Sacred Harp, una forma di musica corale originaria del sud degli Stati Uniti. Ma lo stile è, secondo Herndon, molto più antico e potrebbe derivare dalle più remote tradizioni dei canti umani fin dalla preistoria.

Questo canto così moderno e allo stesso tempo con radici antichissime affronta un tema imprescindibile per la sopravvivenza della nostra specie, quello dell'ecologia e della minaccia dei cambiamenti climatici.

Holly Herndon

So while Frontier was written in homage to Sacred Harp music from where I grew up, perhaps what is more interesting is that shape note singing may be a descendent of the same Proto singing traditions that early humans took with them to all corners of the world.

Which is poetic, as when I sit and listen to examples of that music, it feels like a kind of fundamental universal collective fight music. Which is partly why I conceived of the song in relation to the climate challenge. Our ancestors may have developed collective singing as a survival tool, so I thought that maybe now would be a good time to revisit that millennia-old resilient technology. twitter
Don't listen to what the silvers say
Their world is long gone
A leap or push, a path of love or of blood
Break from the past or a hunt

Don't hesitate, my love, you've gone this far
Their road leads to fire
This earth doesn't care for what we need, what we breathe
A frontier of green or of dust

Son, it's the right time, never be afraid
The run is tonight
Move fast, stay low, be the first for they all know
Our world sends the mothers' kisses light

Do it right, mine and run, then go dark, son
Do it right now, now the light will die
Do it right, your way, love
Take the rest of me

Don't hesitate my love, you've gone this far
Son, it's the right time, never be afraid
Their road leads to fire
The run is tonight
This Earth doesn't care for what we need, what we breathe
Move fast, stay low, be the first for they all know
A frontier of green or of dust

7/3/2021 - 21:50

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