
Misty Eyed

Tony Smith
Language: English

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Misty Eyed
© Tony Smith 2017

Although politicians have little respect in Australia, this does not prevent them lecturing other people about their behaviour. This song is in response to a warning that we should not become 'misty eyed' about asylum seekers.
Gene joins me in the chorus.
You claim compassion for refugees
Say you fear they’ll drown in the seas
But you keep them well out of sight
Please wipe away that crocodile smile!
Misty eyed! Misty eyed!
Please wipe away that crocodile smile!

You lock them in jails – any other word
Would quite frankly be so absurd
You lock them away for so long a time
Though seeking asylum is never a crime

Those people into despair you drive
Some of them will not come out alive
But you shun liability
This is the height of hypocrisy

You said that you would bring o’er
Twelve thousand Syrians fleeing the war
But our patience you really do try
This was just spin you cannot deny

Teachers and doctors you told to shoot through
When they reported the damage you do
You threatened to jail them without trial

This caring for children you can’t abide
Lest anyone take the refugees’ side
Dishonest pressure you have applied
You’re making us into a nation of spies
In case any visitors suss out your lies

You pander to the worst demagogues
You know your support comes from the mob
Not those who care for refugee rights
But racists who hate them ignoring their plight

Billions of bucks you waste day and night
Making our country widely despised
Australia’s become a bloody pariah
As our good name you sink in the mire

Misty eyed! Misty eyed!
I’ll vote against you with a cool clear mind

Last line of each verse repeats in chorus.

Contributed by Tony Smith - 2021/2/1 - 04:32

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