
White Noise

Steven Page
Lingua: Inglese

Steven Page

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Discipline: Heal Thyself, Pt. II
Shits about to get nice
Shits about to get real fuckin nice
Right now
Right now

Don't it make you swell with pride
To learn there's bigotry on many sides?

White noise
Oh yeah
White Noise
Oh yeah

Apparently, to fix your nation
You've got to run it like a corporation
The kind you don't mind burning to the ground

I've had to learn to bite my tongue
Or they'll send me back where I came from
I'll tell you as an immigrant and a Jew
I'd be more than glad to replace you

Throw away the Bill of Rights
For anyone who isn't white

White noise
Right now
White noise
Right now

Lets have a second Civil War
(Lets have a second Civil War)
That's what the second amendment's for

White noise
Oh yeah
White noise
Oh yeah

Said the snowflake to the nationalist
"I won't cease 'til you desist
You raise your flag
I raise my fist


I've had to learn to bite my tongue
Or they'll send me back where I came from
I'll tell you as an immigrant and a Jew
I'd be more than glad to replace you

White noise
White noise
White noise
White noise
White noise

inviata da Dq82 - 14/12/2020 - 17:43

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