
We Need to Be Governed by McGovern

Billy Watkins
Langue: anglais

Billy Watkins

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We Need to Be Governed by McGovern

Singolo promozionale per la campagna del candidato democratico George McGovern che aveva promesso di mettere fine alla guerra in Vietnam. McGovern fu platealmente sconfitto da Nixon. Nixon fu però costretto alle dimissioni due anni dopo dallo scandalo Watergate.
We need to be governed by McGovern!

McGovern, McGovern, McGovern...
that's what this whole country needs

Who is this man?
Why should I give him my vote?

'Cause he was born
in South Dakota
He's a man
he stands for peace
He headed
Hunger Committe
he feel
that men are equal too
He's concerned
by the youth problems
ohh he feels
everyone's needs
We need to be governed by McGovern!
that's what this whole country needs

We need to be governed by McGovern!
oh, that's what this country needs

We need a man
to stand by our side
and restore
our nation pride

No more dying in Vietnam
He promised to bring our boys back home
We need to be governed by McGovern!
that's what this whole country needs
We need to be governed by McGovern!
that's what this country needs

We need a man
to stand by our side
and restore
our nation pride

No more dying in Vietnam
He promised to bring our boys back home
We need to be governed by McGovern!
that's what this whole country needs

1/11/2020 - 18:52

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