
Lower the Flag

Bon Jovi
Langue: anglais

Bon Jovi

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Bon Jovi 2020

Un amore che può essere bruscamente interrotto (“Won’t see her childen grow. Won’t see their love grow old”). Un sentimento così potente che tuttavia è incapace di resistere alla forza brutale di un proiettile. ‘Lower the Flag’ è probabilmente un attacco diretto al II emendamento che garantisce ai cittadini americani il diritto di possedere armi. Infatti, il testo condanna il lato oscuro di questo diritto e la sua tragica declinazione nelle stragi che avvengono nei centri commerciali, nelle strade, nei pub, nei campus di scuole, università e college statunitensi.
Word just came from upstate Joe
Lower the flag again
This time it's Dayton, southwest Ohio
Last night El Paso, Texas counted 22 dead

Soon the brass will offer up their thoughts and prayers
Soon there'll be protests in the street
And the media from out of town
Will chew it up and spit it out

Then move on to the next one
Before we even grieve
Yeah, then move on to the next one
Before we even grieve

Some say we start to die on the day that we're born
But no one wants to live life on their knees
Maybe we start to die on the day that we're born
But we deserve to live life in between

A husband kissed the cross that bears his Margie's name
And promises he'll see her once again
Won't see her children grow
Won't see their love grow old

Last night their dream became a nightmare
And their nightmare has no end
Last night their dream became a nightmare
And their nightmare has no end
Some say we start to die on the day that we're born
But no one wants to live life on their knees
Maybe we start to die on the day that we're born
But we deserve to live life in between

These days it's hard to sleep
When I lay my head down
What if it was your loved one
Laying on the ground

I'm left to think about
What if, what now?
Dear God I wanna pray
But tonight I have my doubts
When I think about those families now

If there's something we can talk about, let's talk about it
If there's something we can figure out, let's figure it out
If there's something we can talk about, let's talk about it
If there's something we can figure out, let's figure it out

El Paso, Texas
Dayton, Ohio
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sebring, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Penn State University
Aurora, Illinois
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Gilroy, California
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
Sandy Hook Elementary

envoyé par Dq82 - 6/10/2020 - 12:37

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