
Hey, Hey, LBJ

Bill Frederick
Lingua: Inglese

Bill Frederick

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Hey, Hey… LBJ!

La title track dell'album del 1967 di Bill Frederick riprendeva il famoso slogan delle manifestazioni contro la guerra del Vietnam "Hey, hey LBJ! / How many kids did you kill today?" trasformandole in una vera e propria canzone. LBJ è ovviamente il presidente Lyndon Johnson.

Hey, Hey, LBJ

Incredibile che ancora non l'avessimo inserita. La trascrizione è di lilyjamey da YouTube.
Johnson had a button nose,
when first he went to congress.
Now it's long and crooked like a politicians promise.

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.

LBJ tries every way to make our country prosperous,
He fights rural poverty with CBUs and Phosphorus [1]

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.

LBJ wants black folks too to do some extra time
So he calls on Uncle Roy to keep the colours flyin'

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.

LBJ works night and day, each target's his decision
He bombs friendly villagers with surgical precision

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.

LBJ had tea today with Reuther, Morse and Meany
Strikes to break and bribes to take to grease the war machinery

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.

LBJ goes all the way with Dow, GM and Boeing
Hell no! we won't go where LBJ is going

Hey, hey LBJ!
How many kids did you kill today?
We're gonna take your toys away and bring our soldiers home now.
[1] CBUs are 'cluster bomb units' large hollow containers that are filled with dozens or hundreds of small bomblets that detonate on impact or are timed to detonate after a selected time, or sometimes at random, days later.

'Phosphorus' refers to White Phosphorus that sends red hot fragments for a wide radius from the point of impact. A single fragment will burn through multiple layers of clothing and and right down to the bone. Simon Yip

7/9/2020 - 23:07

Thank you so much! As of today we hear chants like 'Hey hey, Joe Biden what you say, how many kids did you kill today' and with Netanyahu's name of course. But little did I know these stemmed from chants from the early seventies when they were sung to protest Lyndon B. Johnson's or the US war against the Vietnamese people. History repeats!

Lauran - 8/3/2024 - 12:03

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