
The Victors

Tom Clay
Lingua: Inglese

Tom Clay

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Una lunga serie di nomi di morti in guerra, non solo nel Vietnam e non solo soldati americani.
Private Alex Woodruff, U.S. Army
Killed in action, Wake Island, World War Two
Age 19

Seaman Third Class Hal Jamar Henson
Killed in action, World War Two, aboard the U.S.S. Brownson
Age 18

Hoi Lu Shing, soldier, Viet Cong Army
Killed in action
Age 22

Corporal Ruben Lieberhoff, U.S. Marine Corps
Killed in action, Battle of Charlie Hill, Vietnam
Age 21

Private John Sidowski, U.S. Marine Corps
Killed in action, Battle of Corregidor, World War Two
Age 19

Lieutenant Rafael DiMarco, U.S. Army Aircorps
Shot down somewhere over Germany, World War One
Age 23

Shoi Kai Song, North Vietnamese
Killed, not in action
Age 4

Private Juan Sevelos, U.S. Marine Corps
Killed on Ho Chi Minh Trail, Vietnam
Age 18

Seaman First Class Dan O'Brien
Killed in action, Battle of Guam, World War Two
Age 17

Private Doi Yung Su, soldier, Viet Cong
Killed in action, Battle of Quang Tri
Age 14

Sergeant Hai Mi Kaplan, U.S. Army
Killed in action, Pusan, Korea
Age 25

Fumiko Kiyoki, Hiroshima
Age 2.5 years old

Mr. And Mrs. Samuel Silverstein and family
Daughters age 6 and age 4, son age 14
Died, gas chambers at Buchenwald

Private Jerry Arnold, U.S. Marine Corps
Killed in action, Battle of Charlie Hill, Vietnam
Age 17

Lieutenant David Pitts, U.S. Navy
Killed in action, Vietnam
Age 26

Toishi Lun Dashau, North Vietnam
Killed, but not in action
Age 6

Private Charles Booker Washington
Killed in action, Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, Vietnam
Age 19

Ingrid Von Kammen
Killed, Berlin, not in action
Age 9

Sarah Bennett died in the London Blitz, 1943
Age 15

Private Bob Thomas, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam
Age 18

Corporal Scott Hendricks, U.S. Marine Corps
Killed in the Battle of Tarawa, World War Two
Age 22

Private Andrew Garcia, U.S. Army
Battle of Palermo, World War Two
Age 17

7/9/2020 - 22:28

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