
A la guerra ya me llevan

Little Joe and The Latinaires
Lingua: Spagnolo

Little Joe and The Latinaires

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The tejano song "A la guerra ya me llevan" ("They're Taking Me to the War") (Buena Suerte Records # 929), narrated from the soldier's perspective, expressed opposition to being drafted to go to the war, leaning towards the anti-war side: "they're taking me against my will". Little Joe performed the song, a Mexican-American, born in Temple, Texas (17 October 1940), as José María De León Hernández. This political song helped established him as a major artist in the 1960s Chicano movement. He founded the record label Buena Suerte Records in 1968, based in Temple, TX. (1) (2) (3) The narration saw the soldier expressing sympathy towards his mother, father, and girlfriend, telling them that "if in combat I find death, I wouldn't want you to cry". The narrator also said that as he headed off to war, taken away from his family, he regretted fighting with his father. Note that Little Joe also released the Vietnam-related corrido El prisionero de Vietnam, with the group Little Joe & The Starlites.

Vietnam War Song
A la guerra ya me llevan madrecita
Me agarraron en la leva el día de ayer
Hay te quedas sin tu hijito muy sólita
Sabrá dios si nos volveremos a ver

Ay le entregas este sobre retornado
A mi novia que no sabe en donde estoy
Y le dices que me llevan de soldado
Ya otras tierras muy lejanas yo me voy

Ya no llores madrecita por mi suerte
Que soy hombre y mi destino fue pelear
Y si al caso en el combate hayo la muerte
Yo no quisiera que tu vayas a llorar

En mi pecho siempre llevo la medalla
Que mi madre me la dio con tanta fe
Y si acaso no me alcanza la metralla
A tus brazos madrecita volveré

Aquí dejo a mis pobres padrecitos
Que desde niños batallaron por la paz
Ay que miran ya volar los aeroplanos
Que me lleven derechito a Vietnam

25/8/2020 - 22:44

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