
Stop the War in Vietnam

Laurel Aitken
Lingua: Inglese

Laurel Aitken

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Reco and Laurel Aitken

dall'album Scandal In A Brixton Market - Girlie And Laurel Aitken

Scandal In A Brixton Market

Laurel Aitken, born in Cuba in 1927, moved to Brixton, London in 1960. He released the ska / reggae track "Stop the War in Vietnam" - obviously a protest song from the title, which is repeated over and over, on the obscure and hard to find album Scandal in a Brixton Market (Economy # ECO-8).

Vietnam War Songs Project
Stop the War in Vietnam

Stop the War in Vietnam

World Peace

Stop the War in Vietnam

11/7/2020 - 23:50

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