
In 2020 (Part 2)

Lee Shapiro
Langue: anglais

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In 2020 (Part 1)
(Lee Shapiro)
Sulla funiculà, o Canzone del forchettone
(L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo e la Piccola Orchestrina del Costo Sociale)

Lyrics & music by Lee Shapiro
In 2020 Part II

In 2020 (Part 2) is about the year of a CoronaVirus pandemic, systemic police racism, the BLM movement, riots, face masks, politics, and, of course, Trump making everything worse..

“When I wrote "In 2020 (Part 1)", back in February, it was basically a personal story about my medical issues and my continued anger and frustration of Trump. When it was written and posted online, none of the major issues that were facing this year had even begun. No pandemic, no riots, no protesting, no confederate flag protests, no Wall Street crashes, no face masks, no self-quarantining and no Trump making all of this much worse. So I had to write a second part of this song, to include everything that happened since I wrote the first part. The music is similar (with a faster tempo and some changes), but different enough to make it an entirely new song”.

So here it is the second part
of 2020 ..
The year of being torn apart,
while chaos reigns a plenty
Race riots, Corona Virus
Crazy climates.
You can't deny it
Wall Street crashes.
Fear of Fascists
Government asses
and police tear gasses

In 2020, we never saw it coming
In 2020, time to stop running
The whole worlds laughing in our face
But how many of you feel the disgrace?

Our leaders are fools,
that bring us to our knees
While the racists rule,
an incurable disease

Corrupt elections,
illegal detentions
Wheres the direction,
in this heartless recession

And a ruthless Trump,
who's gotta be dumped
Sinking in the swamp.
That about sums it up

In 2020, we never saw it coming
In 2020, its all so mind numbing
Trumps as useful as a prairie chicken
Except for when he lets his friends out of prison

Half the country knows the score
The other half perverts the law
Some of us know just what we stand for
While others are fixin' for a civil war

Oh 2020 – won't you please treat me gently
Oh 2020 – you're leaving me feeling so damn empty

In 2020, we got hit from all sides
In 2020, get us off this crazy ride
If you don't believe in the truth that we say
Who's the real enemy of the state?

In 2020, were losing our freedom
In 2020, were feeling down and beaten
While Trump makes a string of blunders
How it ends, we all got to wonder

envoyé par giorgio - 10/7/2020 - 09:00

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