
Union, God and Country

Steve Earle
Language: English

Steve Earle

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Nell'album “Ghosts of West Virginia", con la band The Dukes
Testo da Genius

Ghosts of West Virginia

Tutte le canzoni dell'album furono originariamente composte per uno spettacolo teatrale intitolato "Coal Country" ed incentrato sulla vita dei minatori del carbone in West Virginia ed, in particolare, sulla tragedia dell'Upper Big Branch Mine di Raleigh dove, il 5 aprile 2010, una trentina di minatori rimase intrappolata da un'esplosione a 300 metri di profondità. Morirono quasi tutti, 29 su 31. L'inchiesta successiva appurò che la compagnia proprietaria, la Massey Energy, aveva eluso le più elementari regole di sicurezza. L'ammontare dei risarcimenti per il disastro superò i 200 milioni di dollari.

My daddy was a miner, my daddy's daddy, too
Union, God and country is all they ever knew
They worked from early mornin' till the evenin' whistle blew
When it'd strike the mine, you'd walk the line
'Cause that's just what ya do
When you're born in West Virginia, a miner through and through
Union, God and country was all you ever knew

Union, God and country, West Virginia gold and blue
Union, God and country was all we ever knew

Before there was a union the company was king
You'd work your fingers to the bone, couldn't show a thing
You shifted coal to Friday, drew your pay and then
You'd walk down to the company store and give it back again
That's why they made the Union, they had nothin' left to lose
Union, God and country was all they ever knew

It was Union, God and country, West Virginia gold and blue
Union, God and country was all we ever knew

It was Union, God and country, West Virginia gold and blue
Union, God and country was all we ever knew
It was Union, God and country, West Virginia gold and blue
Union, God and country was all we ever knew

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2020/6/22 - 18:38

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