
Johnny's Gone to the War

Pete Krug
Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

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(Country Joe and The Fish)
I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag
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An Untitled Protest
(Country Joe and The Fish)

Lyrics & music by Peter Krug
EP: Songs of Opposition / Rag Baby Talking Issue, Vol 1, Issue A (B-side)

song of opposition

Album: Collector's Items (The First Three EPs) [1980]

collection i team

Pete Krug would be totally forgotten today had he not, by circumstance, ended up on the very collectable first release by a major California psychedelic group. In late 1965, Country Joe & the Fish – still a folk jugband for the most part – put out their first two tracks, early versions of "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die Rag" and "Superbird", on a four-song EP accompanying the magazine Rag Baby. Country Joe & the Fish were only on the A-side, however; the B-side was devoted to two solo acoustic performances by Krug, a San Francisco Bay Area folk singer/songwriter. The two songs were mediocre mid-'60s topical folk tunes, not helped by the drab melodies and Krug's unsteady, inexpressive vocals. "Fire in the City" mixes a Dylanesque delivery with a vague lyrical sense of apocalypse, and this one, "Johnny's Gone to the War", that was an anti-war statement. Although the original EP release on which these tracks appeared is quite rare, the Krug songs (as well as the Country Joe & the Fish ones) were reissued on Country Joe & the Fish's Collectors Items: The First Three EP's collection (1980).
Johnny's gone in the mornin' sun
Johnny's gone to carry a gun
Off he goes in the break of dawn
Johnny's gone to the war

See my Johnny standin' in the line
Don't his uniform look fine?
Children laughin' and girls all sighin'
Johnny's gone to the war

Early in the mornin' at the break of day
See the young men march away
Mothers weepin' and fathers prayin'
Johnny's gone to the war

Out of the land the young men poured
It's flesh to feed the guns of war
Johnny isn't a boy anymore
Johnny's gone to the war

Out on the field where the young men fell
In the scream of shot and the roar of shell
Men plunged down the throat of Heaven
Johnny's gone to the war

After the battle in the mud and rain
The air is red with the screams of pain
His eyes will never see the light again
Johnny's gone to the war

There's a mail train a-rollin' down the track
Carryin' a letter edged in black
And it says that Johnny won't be back
Johnny's gone to the war ...

envoyé par giorgio - 20/6/2020 - 09:50

Langue: finnois

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Suomennos: Juha Rämö


Johnny lähti auringon noustessa,
hän lähti kantaakseen asetta,
lähti varhain aamunkoitteessa.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan.

Näetkö minun Johnnyni seisovan rivissä?
Kuinka komea hänen asepukunsa onkaan.
Lapset nauravat ja tytöt huokailevat.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan

Varhain aamulla päivän koittaessa
näet nuorien miehien marssivan pois.
Äidit itkevät ja isät rukoilevat.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan

Sankoin joukoin nuoret miehet lähtevät
vieraille maille tykinruuaksi.
Johnny ei enää ole poika.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan.

Sodan kentillä nuoret miehet kaatuvat
aseiden jylistessä ja luotien ulvoessa
ja syöksyvät kuoleman kitaan.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan.

Taistelun tauottua mudan ja sateen keskellä
ilma on punaisenaan tuskanhuutoja.
Hänen silmänsä eivät enää koskaan näe valoa.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan.

Postijuna taittaa taivalta kiskoja pitkin
mukanaan kirje, jossa on mustat reunukset.
Siinä kerrotaan, että Johnny ei enää palaa.
Johnny on lähtenyt sotaan...

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/12/2021 - 09:13

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