

Pink Siifu
Lingua: Inglese

Pink Siifu

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(Pink Siifu)

Pink Siifu
Do you hear me man?
Do you understand? I am Black
I'm a nigga, do you understand me?
I was born black, I live black, and I'ma die probably because I'm black

Tell the police he can eat a dick
Tell the police he can eat a dick
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up
Tell the police he can eat a dick
Tell the police he can eat a dick
Yeah, prosperity, white man trying to take our shit
White man trying to take my shit
Landlord trying to take my shit
Tell the police he can eat a dick
Gon' prosper, all my niggas gon' prosper
Pigs trying to bother, pigs leave alone my father
I don't know why I ain't shot ya
I don't know why I ain't shot ya
Pigs trying to rob us
White boys trying to rob us
Scared of some niggas
Scared of some niggas
Scared of these niggas
Scared of these niggas
White man trying to take my shit
White man trying to take your shit
Pigs they can eat a dick
Tell the pigs they can eat a dick
White man trying to take my shit
Tell a nazi he can suck my dick
Tell the politician he can suck my dick
Tell the police he can eat a dick
Fuck, prosperity, yeah

inviata da Dq82 - 3/6/2020 - 15:58

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