A Green Beret came to talk to us
Gave a slide show in the gym
Told about the Communists and the punji sticks
I thought I'd like to be like him
Long black wall
And nothing is undone
Long black wall
Sleeping in the sun
Chicago summer, 1968
Some high school kids out on a lark
Waved to the cameras on the evening news
And got teargassed in Grant Park
Long black wall
And nothing is the same
Long black wall
Shining in the rain
Everyone in college was against the war
We had long hair and Nixon stunk
Draft number high, draft number low
Stayed out all night and got real drunk
The vets came back on the G.I. Bill
In their field jackets and jeans
Drank black coffee and smoked cigarettes
And never spoke of what they'd seen
Long black wall
And nothing left to say
Long black wall
So many miles away
The man on TV said ten years had gone
Today a monument was raised
And when they wrote each name one art a time
The roll of dead took four whole days
Long black wall
And nothing is the same
Long black wall
Shining in the rain
Long black wall
And nothing is undone
Long black wall
Sleeping in the sun
Gave a slide show in the gym
Told about the Communists and the punji sticks
I thought I'd like to be like him
Long black wall
And nothing is undone
Long black wall
Sleeping in the sun
Chicago summer, 1968
Some high school kids out on a lark
Waved to the cameras on the evening news
And got teargassed in Grant Park
Long black wall
And nothing is the same
Long black wall
Shining in the rain
Everyone in college was against the war
We had long hair and Nixon stunk
Draft number high, draft number low
Stayed out all night and got real drunk
The vets came back on the G.I. Bill
In their field jackets and jeans
Drank black coffee and smoked cigarettes
And never spoke of what they'd seen
Long black wall
And nothing left to say
Long black wall
So many miles away
The man on TV said ten years had gone
Today a monument was raised
And when they wrote each name one art a time
The roll of dead took four whole days
Long black wall
And nothing is the same
Long black wall
Shining in the rain
Long black wall
And nothing is undone
Long black wall
Sleeping in the sun
Contributed by L.E. - 2020/5/28 - 07:38
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Then he recalled the growth of the protest movement, referencing demonstrations outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August 1968.
It then looked at the college days
with a reference to President Richard Nixon , and hippie culture. The song then turned to the impact of the war on the returning veterans.
( da Vietnam War Song Project )
Il Vietnam Veterans Memorial ("Memoriale dei veterani del Vietnam") è un memoriale di guerra degli Stati Uniti. Si trova a Washington, e onora i membri della forze armate americane che combatterono e persero la vita durante la guerra del Vietnam. In ordine cronologico vengono elencati i nomi delle 58.318 vittime americane della guerra. Ancora oggi il Memoriale è un luogo di pellegrinaggio dei parenti delle vittime, che depongono fiori, bandierine e altri oggetti di ricordo.
Il Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, chiamato anche brevemente "The Wall", è costruito con granito nero
( da Wikipedia )