
That’s How Every Empire Falls

R.B. Morris
Lingua: Inglese

R.B. Morris

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The song is That’s How Every Empire Falls. It was written by a hitherto unknown Knoxville singer-songwriter, R.B. Morris (website), and appears on his Spies, Lies and Burning Eyes. John Prine recorded a masterful, haunting (as only John can do) cover in 2008 on his Fair and Square EP.

da :

Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

The lyrics are a haunting allegory in which the frailties of the human heart are woven into the decline of an empire. It seems, at least for me, that the best songs are the ones that somehow connect the heart with the deeper truths of human society. First, listen to the song and as you hear the last words (the last 8 lines), read these words and think of the 9/11 attacks, all those miserable years under George Bush, and all the lost opportunities we’ve had as a great nation humbled by our own hubris.

da :

Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

Promoting Israeli democracy, exposing secrets of the national security state
‘That’s How Every Empire Falls’

August 17, 2011 by Richard Silverstein
Caught a train from Alexandria
Just a broken man in flight
Running scared with his devils
Saying prayers all through the night
Oh but mercy can't find him
Not in the shadows where he calls
Forsaking all his better angels
That's how every empire falls

The bells ring out on Sunday mornng
Like echoes from another time
All our innocence and yearning
and sense of wonder left behind
Oh gentle hearts remember
What was that story? Is it lost?
For when religion loses vision
That's how every empire falls.

He toasts his wife and all his family
The providence he brought to bear
They raise their glasses in his honor
Although this union they don't share
A man who lives among them
Was still a stranger to them all
For when the heart is never open
That's how every empire falls

Padlock the door and board the windows
Put the people in the street
"It's just my job," he says "I'm sorry."
And draws a check, goes home to eat
But at night he tells his woman
"I know I hide behind the laws."
She says, "You're only taking orders."
That's how every empire falls.

A bitter wind blows through the country
A hard rain falls on the sea
If terror comes without a warning
There must be something we don't see
What fire begets this fire?
Like torches thrown into the straw
If no one asks, then no one answers
That's how every empire falls.

inviata da L. E. - 20/5/2020 - 10:50

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di L. E.

Ha preso un treno da Alexandria
Proprio un uomo distrutto in volo
Che corre spaventato con i suoi diavoli
Mormorando preghiere per tutta la notte
Oh ! Ma la misericordia non riesce a trovarlo
Non nelle ombre dove lui chiama
Abbandonando tutti i suoi angeli migliori
Ecco come cade ogni impero

Le campane suonano la Domenica mattina
Come echi di un'altra epoca
Tutta la nostra innocenza e desiderio
e senso di meraviglia lasciati alle spalle
Oh, cuori gentili ricordate
Qual era quella storia? È andata persa ?
Perchè quando la religione perde la sua visione
Ecco come cade ogni impero.

Brinda a sua moglie e a tutta la sua famiglia,alla provvidenza
che ha portato per sopportare
Alzano i loro bicchieri in suo onore
Sebbene questa unione non la condividano.
Un uomo che vive in mezzo a loro era pur sempre un estraneo per tutti loro.
Perché quando il cuore non si apre mai
Ecco come cade ogni impero

 Mettere un lucchetto alla porta, blindare le finestre
Mettere le persone in strada
 "È solo il mio lavoro", dice "Mi dispiace".
E stacca un assegno, va a casa a mangiare
Ma di notte dice alla sua donna
 "So di nascondermi dietro le leggi."
E lei dice "Stai solo prendendo ordini."
Ecco come cade ogni impero.

  Un vento pungente soffia su tutto il paese,una dura pioggia cade sul mare
Se il terrore arriva senza preavviso ,ci deve essere qualcosa che non vediamo
Quale fuoco genera questo fuoco? come torce gettate nella paglia
Se nessuno chiede, nessuno risponde
Ecco come cade ogni impero.

inviata da L. E. - 21/5/2020 - 22:48

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