
Pittsburgh Town

Woody Guthrie
Language: English

Woody Guthrie

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Parole di Woody Guthrie
Sull'aria di una canzone tradizionale, "Crawdad Song", ripresa anche dallo stesso Guthrie

American Industrial Ballads

Un brano che Guthrie scrisse durante un tour con gli Almanac Singers nel 1941
Tuttavia la prima incisione è quella di Pete Seeger in "American Industrial Ballads" del 1956.

Pittsburgh town is a smoky ol' town, Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh town is a smoky ol' town, Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh town is a smoky ol' town
Solid iron from McKeesport down (1)
Pittsburgh, Lord God, Pittsburgh

Well, what did Jones and Laughlin steal? Pittsburgh (2)
What did Jones and Laughlin steal? Pittsburgh
What did Jones and Laughlin steal?
Up an' down the river jus' as far as you can see
In Pittsburgh, Lord God, Pittsburgh

All I do is cough and choke in Pittsburgh
All I do is cough and choke in Pittsburgh
All I do is cough and choke
From the iron filings and the sulphur smoke
In Pittsburgh, Lord God, Pittsburgh

From the Allegheny to the Ohio, in Pittsburgh
Allegheny to the Ohio
Allegheny to the Ohio
They're joining up in the C.I.O. (3)
Pittsburgh, Lord God, Pittsburgh
(1) McKeesport, contea di Allegheny, Stato della Pennsylvania
(2) Jones and Laughlin Steel Company di Pittsburgh, compagnia siderurgica fondata nel 1852. Gli stabilimenti storici sorgevano lungo il Monongahela River.
Nel verso Guthrie gioca sui termini steal (rubare) e steel (acciaio)...
(3) Il Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) è stata una federazione sindacale fondata nel 1936. Nel 1956 è diventata l'American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO)

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2020/4/4 - 21:43

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