

R.J. Phillips Band
Lingua: Inglese

R.J. Phillips Band

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Scritta da Joe De Filippo, musicista di Baltimora, leader della R.J. Phillips Band
Testo trovato qui

R.J. Phillips Band
I met Finn in '64.
We would talk about the war.
He said he was sure
We'd be sent to fight.

People marchin' in the streets .
Some to a different beat .
Victory or defeat ?
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Songs of protest filled the air.
Some of hope, some despair.
And the radio played 'Eve Of Destruction'
That song stayed in my head.
I remember what McGuire said,
You can 'Tell me over and over again my friend.'

Was it our destiny?
Uncle Sam took Finn and me.
The two of us were soon to be
In a foreign land.

Went to a bar and drank some beer
To get drunk to drown our fears
And thru it all
I could hear McGuire on the radio.

Songs of protest filled the air.
Some of hope, some despair.
And the radio played 'Eve of Destruction.'
That song stayed in my head.
I remember what McGuire said,
You can 'Tell me over and over again my friend.'

Finn and I, we did return,
With battle scars and lessons learned;
And, medals that we earned
Along with memories.

And tho it hasn't happened yet,
We've tried to forget.
But at night our dreams
Won't let us get no rest.

Songs of protest filled the air.
Some of hope, some despair.
And the radio played 'Eve of Destruction.'
That song stayed in my head.
I remember what McGuire said,
You can 'Tell me over and over again my friend.'

You can 'Tell me over and over again my friend.'

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 2/4/2020 - 11:15

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