
Fuck Nazi Sympathy

Lingua: Inglese


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Nell'EP eponimo

Fuck Nazi Sympathy
Don't respect something that has no respect
Don't sympathize with something that has no sympathy
Don't understand something that has no understanding
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours.

Don't respect something that has no respect
Don't sympathize with something that has no sympathy
Don't understand something that has no understanding
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 21/2/2020 - 18:19

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