
Ei kuule kaupunki

Arja Saijonmaa
Langue: finnois

Arja Saijonmaa

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Audio link to the song performed by Arja Saijonmaa on her 1972 single Ei kuule kaupunki / Bella ciao:

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Te recuerdo
(Toni Edelman)
Άσμα ασμάτων
(Mikis Theodorakis / Mίκης Θεοδωράκης)
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(Mikis Theodorakis / Mίκης Θεοδωράκης)

Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Suomenkieliset sanat: Tapio Lipponen

This song has been haunting me for years. According to Finnish music database records it's a song written by Mikis Theodorakis which I don't have any doubts about. The problem is that I haven't been able to trace the original one despite extensive research and due to the fact that I don't know a word of Greek. Finnish database records include a French reference reading »Cite n'entend« (which should actually read »La cité n'entend pas«) suggesting that maybe the original lyrics were written in French in which case there wouldn't be any original Greek lyrics. Anyway, in order to get the song finally off my table, I decided to post it as an original Finnish song by Arja Saijonmaa. Doing that, I sincerelly and desperately hope that one of the countless friends and followers of this webpage will be able to solve the mystery.

Questa canzone mi perseguita da anni. Secondo i dati del database musicale finlandese, è una canzone scritta da Mikis Theodorakis e non ho dubbi. al proposito. Il problema è che non sono stato in grado di rintracciare il testo originale nonostante le ricerche approfondite e per il fatto che non conosco una parola di greco. L'archivio finlandese cita una fonte francese »Cite n'entend« (che non è francese corretto e dovrebbe in realtà essere »La cité n'entend pas«) cosa che suggerisce che forse il testo originale sia stato scritto in francese, nel qual caso non esisterebbe un testo greco originale. Comunque ho deciso di pubblicarla come una canzone finlandese originale di Arja Saijonmaa. In questo modo, spero sinceramente e disperatamente che uno degli innumerevoli amici e seguaci di questa pagina web sarà in grado di risolvere il mistero. [Juha Rämö]
Ei kuule kaupunki, ei näe kaupunki
Ei kuulla ihmisääntäkään voi
Vangittiin soittoni, kahlittiin soittoni
Ei näissä kahleissa sitra soi

Ei enää surra, kreikkalaiset
Siis barrikadiin miehet, naiset
Tartu aseisiin, yhdy musiikkiin
Sarat syvät iskemme kahleisiin

Ei kuule kaupunki, ei näe kaupunki
Ei kuulla ihmisääntäkään voi
Vangittiin soittoni, kahlittiin soittoni
Ei näissä kahleissa sitra soi

Ei enää surra, kreikkalaiset
Siis barrikadiin miehet, naiset
Tartu aseisiin, yhdy musiikkiin
Sarat syvät iskemme kahleisiin

Ei enää surra, kreikkalaiset
Siis barrikadiin miehet, naiset
Tartu aseisiin, yhdy musiikkiin
Sarat syvät iskemme kahleisiin

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 14/1/2020 - 13:46

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese del testo finlandese / English translation of the Finnish lyrics / Traduction anglaise des
paroles finnoises / Suomenkielisten sanojen englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

The city doesn't hear, the city doesn't see
There's not a human voice to be heard
My music was disabled, my song was shackled
There's no zither sounding in these chains

Don't let us grieve any longer Greeks
To barricades men and women
Seize the guns, join the music
Let us break the chains

The city doesn't hear, the city doesn't see
There's not a human voice to be heard
My music was disabled, my song was shackled
There's no zither sounding in these chains

Don't let us grieve any longer Greeks
To barricades men and women
Seize the guns, join the music
Let us break the chains

Don't let us grieve any longer Greeks
To barricades men and women
Seize the guns, join the music
Let us break the chains

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 14/1/2020 - 13:49

See also here, here, here and here on the Άσμα ασμάτων page.

Riccardo Venturi - 14/1/2020 - 17:03

The original song music is credited to Mikis Theodorakis everywhere (song databases, discographies etc.).


Original composer: Mikis Theodorakis
Arranged by Jani Uhlenius
Finnish lyrics: Tapio Lipponen

Riccardo Venturi - 14/1/2020 - 17:21

In a Finnish leftwing songbook from 1971, this song is titled Cimean laulu (CIMEA song) where CIMEA apparently refers to an international organization for children, for which Theodorakis and Kostis Kosteas wrote a song in 1968.

In youtube one can find "Peace for kids CIMEA" which is a simple midi rendering of the same melody as in Ei kuule kaupunki.

See also here

Hannu Töyrylä - 6/10/2022 - 20:01

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