
International News

National Wake
Lingua: Inglese

National Wake

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Sit dit af
(Johannes Kerkorrel)
Donker donker land
(Johannes Kerkorrel)
Halala Afrika
(Johannes Kerkorrel)

Nell'unico disco eponimo dei National Wake, la prima punk band multirazziale sudafricana, attiva per pochi anni tra la fine dei 70 e l'inizio degli 80 in quel di Johannesburg.
Era composta da due bianchi e due neri: Ivan Kadey, Gary Khoza, Punka Khoza e Steve Moni.
Ho ripreso il testo dalla copertina interna dell'album, trovata su di un sito dedicato a Johannes Kerkorrel, e ho provato a sistemarlo all'ascolto.

National Wake
National Wake

Gran bel pezzo, ben suonato e molto coraggioso nel testo, considerato che si trattava di punk e di bianchi e neri insieme nel pieno dell'Apartheid...
Post, post, city late...
Post, post, city late, post...

'put a blanket over Soweto
They put a blanket, nowhere to go, no
They put a blanket over the news
They put a blanket, nothing to choose

International, international news
International, international news

I feel the bomb yeh, it grows inside me
I feel the bomb yeh, blows up inside me
I feel the bomb here
Is something wrong here?
I feel the bomb
There's nothing wrong!
Going to the movies
What do I see?
Going to the movies
what are they throwing at
What are they throwing at me?

International news, international views
International news, insanity!

They sent the troops yeh into Angola
They sent the choppers over the border
They put a blanket over the border
They put a blanket into Angola

International, international news
International, international news

I feel the bomb yeh, it grows inside me
I feel the bomb yeh, blows up inside me
I feel the bomb here
Is something wrong here?
I feel the bomb
There's nothing wrong!
Going to the movies
What do I see?
Going to the movies
what are they throwing at
What are they throwing at me?

International yachting in the deep blue sea
International jumping society!

'put a blanket over the blanket
And then a blanket over that blanket
They put a blanket to suffocate it
They put a blanket to suffocate!

International, international news
International, international news
International, international news
International, international news
International news
International news
International news

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 1/1/2020 - 21:09

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