
James White: Christmas With Satan

Lingua: Inglese

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Parole e musica di James Chance, o James White, nato James Siegfried (1953), sassofonista, singer songwriter, esponente del genere No-Wave.
Nella curiosa compilation natalizia “A Christmas Record”, realizzata nel 1982 dallla ZE Records
Testo trovato su Genius

A Christmas Record
James White, o Chance
Last Christmas Eve I didn't feel too jolly
To say the least, I wasn't of good cheer
It seemed to me to be a pointless folly
And plus the pleasure had become too dear

And as I watched the shoppers from my window
Of all the joy I'd lost long ago
I wondered when I died where would my soul go
And realized it was surely down below

And then I felt a strange exhilaration
I knew that I had absolutely nothing left to lose
And so I took a permanent vacation
To lose for once and all these Christmas blues

So indeed
My soul was freed
I went to court
My trial was short
I tried suicide
I was sentenced to be fried

When I reached the gates of the inferno
Instead of screams I heard a Christmas carol
And when they brought me face-to-face with Satan
He said "C'mon and join the celebration"

Christmas with the devil
It's gonna be a helluva party!
They got down as low as possible
Before they even started

The guest list is exclusive
It's only the baddest of bad
But baby you're absolutely guaranteed
The hottest time you've ever had

Satan's latest Christmas party
Will burn you suckas too a crisp
It's one yuletide invitation
You better not dare to resist

Once you get his holiday spirit
Your ass ain't never gonna leave
Satan is a cat who knows
It's better to give than to receive

We're getting down with Satan
We're full of Christmas cheer
The presents you're anticipating
He's sure to get 'em here

Satan gives each girl and boy
Just what he or she deserves
You're gonna scream and howl with joy
When his Christmas feast is served

You don't have to say no prayers
Or be on good behavior
A ghost appeared , nobody cares
About that baby savior

There's no angels or wise man
And certainly no virgins
This Christmas cannot be made white
By any known detergent

Oh yeah we've been waitin'
For Christmas with Satan
Oh yeah we've been waitin'
For Christmas with Satan
Oh yeah we've been waitin'
For Christmas with Satan

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 24/12/2019 - 18:43

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