
Hidup di bui

Lingua: Indonesiano


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Parole e musica di Bartje Van Houten
Trovo il testo originale del brano nella raccolta "Indonesian Popular Music: Kroncong, Dangdut, & Langgam Jawa", pubblicata dalla Smithsonian Folkways nel 1991. In quel disco il brano viene interpretato da un'altra formazione, Gambang Kromong Slendang Betawi.

Una canzone che racconta le tristi condizioni dei prigionieri nel carcere di Tangerang a Jakarta. Il governo militare impose la censura e Bartje Van Houten con i suoi D'Lloyd furono costretti a cambiare il verso principale...

Tangerang, 1965, all'epoca del golpe militare di Suharto, un regime che provocò tra i 500mila e il milione di morti...
Tangerang, 1965, all'epoca del golpe militare di Suharto, un regime che provocò tra i 500mila e il milione di morti...

"Hidup di Bui was composed and recorded in the early 1970s by Indonesian popular music group D’Lloyd.
The song details poor living conditions for prisoners at the Tangerang Correctional Institution, which is located on the outskirts of Jakarta. The lyrical reference to a specific government institution attracted the attention of officials, who, unamused by the disparaging reference to [their facility] banned the song unless the offending lyric was changed. Two acceptable alternatives that D’Lloyd used in performance after the ban were ‘jails in wartime’ (penjara zaman perang) and ‘jails during the Japanese occupation’ (penjara zaman Jepang)"
(dal libretto della raccolta edita dalla Folkways)
Hidup di bui bagaikan burung
Makan di antri nasinya jagung
Tidur di ubin pikiran bingung
Apa daya badanku terkurung

Terompet pagi tandanya bangun
Jangan lupa nyarap nasi jagung
Ingin merokok mungutin puntung
Ambil koran lalu digulung

Hai kawan dengar laguku in
Hidup di bui menyiksa diri
Jangan sampai anda mengalami
Badan hidup terasa mati

Apalagi penjara Tangerang
Masuk gemuk keluar tinggal tulang
Karena kerjanya cara paksa
Tua muda turun bekerja

Hai kawan dengarkan lagu ini
Hidup di bui menyiksa diri
Jangan sampai kawan mengalami
Badan hidup terasa mati

Apalagi penjara Tangerang
Masuk gemuk keluar tinggal tulang
Karena kerjanya cara paksa
Tua muda turun bekerja

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 3/11/2019 - 18:43

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese da "Indonesian Popular Music: Kroncong, Dangdut, & Langgam Jawa", Smithsonian Folkways, 1991

Indonesian Popular Music: Kroncong, Dangdut, & Langgam Jawa

In jail you live like a bird
You line up to eat and your rice is corn
You sleep on the floor and your thoughts are confused
What can I do, I’m in a cage

In the morning they wake you up with a trumpet
Don’t forget your breakfast of corn
If you want to smoke you have to pick butts off the floor
And roll the tobacco in newspaper

Hey friend, listen to my song
Life in jail is misery
Don’t let it happen to you
Your body’s alive but you feel like you’re dead

And then there’s the Tangerang jail
You go in healthy and you come out skin and bones
Because they force you to work
Old and young have to work

Hey friend, listen to my song
Life in jail is misery
Don’t let it happen to you
Your body’s alive but you feel like you’re dead

And then there’s the Tangerang jail
You go in healthy and you come out skin and bones
Because they force you to work
Old and young have to work

inviata da B.B. - 3/11/2019 - 18:50

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