
No Horses

Langue: anglais


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Video di Scott Stuckey
No Horses

No Horses

In quel brano intriso di suoni industrial si percepisce rabbia, il testo descrive un futuro distopico.
Il tema di fondo è la distruzione del pianeta. Un giorno, durante un giro per la campagna scozzese, ho incrociato dei cavalli, mi sono sembrati meravigliosi e ho cominciato a pensare a quanto, nel corso della storia, questi animali siano stati valorizzati in vari ambiti. Ma oggi? A cosa serve un cavallo oggi? Quando sono tornata a casa l’ho chiesto a mio marito (il produttore Billy Bush; ndr) e ci siamo detti che perlopiù i cavalli sono diventati animali per ricchi, chi non ha soldi non può certo permettersi di averne uno. Lì ho sentito una sensazione di panico salirmi nello stomaco che mi ha ispirato altri pensieri legati a questi tempi assurdi.

Nell’era di Donald Trump sembra che il valore delle persone dipenda da quanti soldi fanno. E ho iniziato a preoccuparmi per il futuro dei cavalli (Ride).

I cavalli come metafora di una società classista?
Di una società dove la bellezza che non genera denaro viene distrutta. Perché se non dai valore a qualcosa, quel qualcosa si estingue, finisce per scomparire. Mentre io ritengo preziose tantissime cose che non generano denaro: l’umanità, i sentimenti… Ci credo sul serio, al contrario di chi ci governa, che pensa che le persone indigenti o che fanno fatica ad arrivare a fine mese non valgano quanto la gente ricca.

Shirley Manson, intervista a Rolling Stone

It’s an imagining, I suppose, of a future in which the forces that are in charge of the world destroy anything that they consider useless or that doesn’t make money. Which I feel is the way our culture is heading right now and anything that doesn’t make large profit is seemingly sneered at and dismissed as unimportant, like artists who are not as massive as Katy Perry. They’re not considered as valuable an artist. To me, I feel we cannot possibly value things by profit margins or by the size or success of something. I think something that’s small and quiet is as valuable as something that’s large and loud. So it’s an imagining of the future where the authorities destroy anything that doesn’t make large amounts of money.

Shirley Manson, Forbes.
They'll love you too
They'll love you too
They'll love you too
They'll love you too
They'll come to you
They'll come to you
They'll come to you
They'll come to you too

They'll worship you
They'll worship you
They'll worship you
They'll worship you too
They'll use you too (they'll use you too)
They'll lie to you (they'll lie to you)
They'll steal from you (they'll steal from you)
They'll sell you too (they'll sell you too)
They'll turn on you
They'll come for you
They'll hurt you too
They'll get to you too

And there will be no apologies
And no more security
There will be no cops
Just men with guns
In their shiny black uniforms
And their big black boots
With their shiny black batons
And their sleek black cars
With their fingers on the trigger
With their fingers on the trigger
With their fingers on the trigger
And their skeleton keys

And there will be no marches
There will be no impunity
No more TV
And no more cavalcades

And no more horses, no horses
There'll be no horses, no more motorcades

There's a sky full of tears
A sky full of tears
There's a sky full of tears
There's a sky full of tears
I've been awake all night (been awake all night)
And the sun don't shine (and the sun don't shine)
The night's so long (and the night's so long)
And the moon is in shock (the moon is in shock)
And all the lovers turn cops
And all the lovers turn cops
Oh all the lovers turn cops
All the lovers turn cops

And no more horses, no horses
There'll be no horses, no more motorcades
No more horses, no horses
There'll be no horses, no more motorcades

There's nothing to grieve
There's nothing to lose
There's nothing to hide
There's nothing to grow
There's nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
This is the apocalypse
This is the apocalypse
This is the apocalypse
They killed the horses


envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti - 27/8/2019 - 20:58

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