
Soma Koma

Nina Hagen
Lingua: Tedesco

Nina Hagen

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Album: Voksbeat

Nina Hagen

Tell us more about the song "Soma Koma," which was inspired by works by authors George Orwell and Aldous Huxley...

The books by Huxley and Orwell with their terrible visions of the human race being genetically manipulated, in which there is a slave race and everything is controlled, everyone has chips - we are growing into such a horror scenario right now if we don't inform ourselves and unite. My pastor and I wrote a book called "Vorboten der Zukunft - wie wir die Welt verbessern" (Harbingers of the Future - How We Can Improve the World). That's exactly what I'm talking about. There are many civil initiatives coming together and joining forces - beyond party lines. It has nothing to do with political parties because they offer no solution. They only want to achieve power but no one is addressing our problems.

Nina Hagen's hunt for 'truth and peace'
Soma Koma
Game is over
Soma Koma
Game is over

Das Spiel mit dem Geld ist zu Ende
Verzockt Zinsen und Dividende
Zurück bleiben nur ihre Kassen
Wir staunen und können's nicht fassen
Wer tanzt ums goldene Kalb
Wer steht ganz allein in Wald

Soma Koma
Game is over
Soma Koma
Game is over

Die Börsen der Welt voller Kenner
Die Gorillas im Nebel schreien Männer
Verkaufen und kaufen Wälder

Die süchtigen Spieler im Mondschein
Wer macht die Lichter aus
Wer zieht sich nackend aus

Soma Koma
Game is over
Soma Koma
Game is over

Manager sind schon verschwunden
Schlürfen Champagner mit den treudoofen Kunden
Tauschen Aktien und Zertifikate
Gegen Schlafmittel und Opiate

Wer tanzt ums goldene Kalb
Wer steht ganz allein im Wald

Soma Koma
Game is over
Soma Koma
Game is over

21/5/2019 - 23:27

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