
Age of Unreason

Bad Religion
Lingua: Inglese

Bad Religion

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Il titolo della canzone e anche dell'ultimo album dei Bad Religion è un riferimento al saggio The Age of Reason (L'età della ragione) del filosofo americano del 1700 Thomas Paine che critica la religione istituzionalizzata e l'infallibilità biblica in favore della ragione.

Thomas Paine

Secoli dopo siamo invece nell'età dell'irrazionalità degli scemi del pensiero unico. Ma noi possiamo ancora fare qualcosa e decretare che la penna è più potente di ogni pistola.
Just to think that not so long ago was a man who risked his life
Who challenged all the lies offered as sacred truth
Just to cast a brighter light

The notion that we can live as one in perfect harmony
Requires a common sensibility to teach an intellectual capacity
That I believe is in the air
But everywhere is the ultimate act of treason
How so few can be aware that their nation's heart is bleeding

And oh, when the violence has begun
We decree the pen more mighty than the gun
While the fools believe as one
In this unrepentant age of unreason

Just to think that not so long ago was a man who received the seal
He peddled blatant lies and brought back tyranny
To divide his people with zeal

But we can live as one in perfect harmony
It requires a common sensibility to teach an intellectual capacity
That I believe is in the air
But everywhere is the ultimate act of treason
How so few can be aware that their nation's heart is bleeding, oh

But I, as a child who plays for fun
With his eye up to the barrel of a gun
Watch the fools believe as one
In this unrepentant age of unreason
Now that darkness has begun
We decree the pen more mighty than the gun
While the fools believe as one
In this unrepentant age of unreason

11/5/2019 - 22:47

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