
Tuo kerta rajalle rauha

Langue: finnois

Liste des versions

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Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat (Kanteletar)
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: trad.


Painting by Robert Ekman in 1867 called Lemminkäinen tulisella järvellä where Lemminkäinen asks help from Ukko ylijumala with crossing the lake in fire on his route to Pohjolan häät.
Ukko ylijumala (vasemmalla) R. W. Ekmanin Kalevala-maalauksessa Lemminkäinen tulisella järvellä (n. 1867).
Il Dio Ukko a cui Lemminkäinen (a destra) chiede aiuto. Dipinto di Robert Ekman (1867) intitolato Lemminkäinen tulisella järvella

The audio sample provided is the traditional melody to which all the poems of the Finnish national epic (Kalevala) as well as many of those included in Kanteletar can be sung.

Audio link to the melody of the song played by (kantele):

Oi Ukko [1] ylinen herra,
Taivahallinen Jumala,
Tuo kerta rajalle rauha,
Suomehen sula sovinto,
Rauha raukoille rajoille,
Sana kaunis Karjalahan!

Kun toisit rajalle rauhan,
Suomehen hyvän sovinnon,
Viel' ois miestä mielehistä,
Sulhoa sulosanaista,
Kyntäjäksi, kylväjäksi,
Siemenen sirottajaksi;
Itku ei kuuluisi kujilla,
Valitus vajojen päissä,
Lehot ei nurmelle leveisi,
Pellolle petjän taimet.
[1] Suomalaisessa muinaisuskossa, jonka harjoittamisen valtio kielsi 1600-luvulla, Ukko oli sään, sadon ja ukkosen jumala, jota kutsuttiin myös ylijumalaksi. Ukko on kiertoilmaus, joka tarkoittaa vanhaa miestä. Ukon oikeaa nimeä ei haluttu lausua kunnioituksesta ja pelosta tätä jumaluutta kohtaan. Ukkoa muistuttava ukkosenjumala tunnettiin latvian kielessä nimellä Perkons ja liettuan kielessä nimellä Perkūnas, joista on peräisin suomen sana Perkele.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 1/5/2019 - 12:29

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös:
Keith Bosley

The British  translator, poet and former BBC presenter Keith Bosley and his Finnish wife Satu Salo. Keith Bosley died 24 June 2018 after a short illness.
The British translator, poet and former BBC presenter Keith Bosley and his Finnish wife Satu Salo. Keith Bosley died 24 June 2018 after a short illness.

Old Man [1], Lord above
O heavenly God
bring peace to the border once
sweet agreement to Finland
peace to the poor borders
a fair word to Karelia!

If you brought the border peace
good agreement to Finland
there'd still be a pleasant man
a sweetly-spoken bridegroom
to plough and to sow
and to scatter seed:
tears would not be heard in lanes
nor laments at ends of huts
groves would not spread to the turf
nor pine seedlings to the field.
[1] In the indigenous Finnish pagan religion, Ukko - literally Old Man - was the principal god and ruler over the weather, harvest, thunder and sky.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 1/5/2019 - 12:31

Langue: suédois

Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Traduction suédoise / Svensk översättning / Ruotsinkielinen käännös: Ole Torvalds

Ole Torvalds (1916-1995).
Ole Torvalds (1916-1995).

Ci piace segnalare una cosa. Il traduttore di questo canto in lingua svedese, Ole Torvalds (1916-1995), poeta e giornalista finnosvedese, era il nonno di Linus Torvalds, l'iniziatore di Linux. Non ci scordiamo che questo sito è nato ed ha vissuto tutta la sua "infanzia" sotto [RV]

We are pleased to remark that the translator of this poem into Swedish, Ole Torvalds (1916-1995), a Swedish-Finnish poet and journalist, was the grandfather of Linus Torvalds, the software engineer of Linux kernel fame. We don't forget this website was born and lived its whole "childhood" under [RV]
O du Fader [1], höge Herre,
himmelens Gud i höjden,
bringa äntligt fred till gränsen,
samdräkt och soning för Finland,
frid och ro i trängda trakter,
lyckligt löfte för Karelen!

Om du ger oss fred vid gränsen,
soning och sämja för Finland,
skall vi än ha präktigt karlfolk,
män med goda ord i munnen,
karlar till att plöja jorden
och att strö ut sädet i den;
då skall ingen klagan klinga,
ingen gråt i våra gränder,
sly ej slinka in på ängen,
tallskott inte i tegen.
[1] I gammal finsk hedendom var Ukko - Gamle Mannen - gudarnas herre, himmels- och åskgud och en fadersfigur som skapade och återupphöll ordning i världen.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 1/5/2019 - 12:33

The roots of this simple and honest plead for »peace to the border« are in the bloody history of Finland as a part of Sweden. All the way from the late 10th century to 1809 numerous wars and battles were fought between Sweden and Russia over the border between the two great powers of Northern Europe, and Finnish people in the front line, both civilians and peasants often recruited against their will to fight for the Swedish army, were the ones who suffered most from this constant warfare.

Juha Rämö - 3/5/2019 - 11:35

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