
Quasheba, Quasheba

Our Native Daughters
Langue: anglais

Our Native Daughters

Liste des versions

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Songs of our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways, 2019)
Allison Russell, vocals and 5-string banjo;
Rhiannon Giddens, backing vocals and min- strel banjo;
Leyla McCalla, cello;
Jamie Dick, drums and percussion;
Dirk Powell, baritone electric guitar;
Jason Sypher, bass

Allison Russell

“Quasheba, Quasheba”, firmata da Allison Russell (già con Birds of Chicago e Po’ Girls), è l'esplorazione della sua linea familiare autobiografica indietro fino ai tempi della tratta.

I met my biological father, Michael George, and my paternal family when I was 30 years old. I learned that I am a first-generation Canadian on my father’s side. He was born and raised in Grenada, one of 13 children. I found out that ours is a family that values education deeply. I found out that we have a historian in the family who has traced our line back to an enslaved woman named Quasheba, who was sold off the coast of Ghana.

Such was her strength and resilience that she somehow survived the transatlantic crossing in the hold of a slave ship, and was eventually sold to a large sugar cane plantation in Grenada. She survived multiple rapes and sales. She survived backbreaking labor in the cane fields. She survived her children being taken and sold. She survived, and she founded generations. I wept to learn her name. I am honored to be her many-times-removed daughter and am eternally grateful for the gift of her strength and resilience. Though we can never know if Quasheba was actually from Ghana, in this song I imagine that she is.

When I was in Cameroon in 2007 with my other band, Po’ Girl, I was especially struck by three things: not being a visible minority for the first time in my life (though I was called la petite métisse pretty frequently, since I’m “pale” compared to most Cameroonians); how many Cameroonians felt the need either to apologize for or disclaim their forebears’ involvement in the slave trade—“My village, they never sold any slaves!”—and how many people there told me that I looked Cameroonian. Ghana is just a little ways up the west coast of Africa from Cameroon. — AR
Dal libretto dell'album
Quasheba, Quasheba
You’re free now
You’re free now
How does your spirit fly
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We have life

From the golden coast of Ghana
To the bondage of Grenada
You kept the dream of hope alive
They burned your body
They cursed your blackness
But they could not take your light

Quasheba, Quasheba
You’re free now
You’re free now
How does your spirit fly
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We have life

Raped and beaten
Every baby taken
Starved and sold and sold again
But ain’t you a woman
Of love deservin’
Ain’t it somethin’ you survived

Quasheba, Quasheba
You’re free now
You’re free now
How does your spirit fly
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We have life

You dreamt of home
You dreamt of freedom
You died a slave, you died alone
You came from warriors
They once built empires
Ashanti’s kingdom carries on

Quasheba, Quasheba
You’re free now
You’re free now
How does your spirit fly
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We have life

You were forgotten
Almost forsaken
Your children founded generations
Your strength sustained them
They won their freedom
Traced their roots to find you waiting

Quasheba, Quasheba
You’re free now
You’re free now
How far your spirit’s flown
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We are home
Blood of your blood
Bone of your bone
By the grace of your strength
We are home

envoyé par Dq82 - 13/4/2019 - 17:22

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 14-04-2019 08:27

Quasheba, Quasheba
Ora sei libera
Ora sei libera
Come vola il tuo spirito?
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue ossa
Grazie alla tua forza
Abbiamo la vita

Dalla costa d'oro del Ghana
Alle catene di Grenada
Hai tenuto vivo il sogno di speranza
Ti hanno bruciato il corpo
Hanno maledetto che eri nera
Ma non poterono prenderti la luce

Quasheba, Quasheba
Ora sei libera
Ora sei libera
Come vola il tuo spirito?
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue ossa
Grazie alla tua forza
Abbiamo la vita

Stuprata e picchiata
Hanno preso tutti i tuoi figli
Fatta crepare di fame, venduta e rivenduta
Ma non sei forse una donna
Che merita amore,
Non c'è qualcosa a cui sei sopravvissuta?

Quasheba, Quasheba
Ora sei libera
Ora sei libera
Come vola il tuo spirito?
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue ossa
Grazie alla tua forza
Abbiamo la vita

Sognavi di tornare a casa
Sognavi la libertà
Sei morta schiava, sei morta sola
Provenivi da guerrieri
Un tempo edificarono imperi
Il regno di Ashanti dura ancora

Quasheba, Quasheba
Ora sei libera
Ora sei libera
Come vola il tuo spirito?
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue ossa
Grazie alla tua forza
Abbiamo la vita

Sei stata dimenticata
Pressoché abbandonata
I tuoi figli hanno creato generazioni
La tua forza li ha sostenuti
Si sono guadagnati la loro libertà
Sono risaliti alle tue radici per trovare che aspettavi

Quasheba, Quasheba
Ora sei libera
Ora sei libera
Come vola il tuo spirito?
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue ossa
Grazie alla tua forza
Ora siamo a casa
Sangue del tuo sangue
Ossa delle tue osse
Grazie alla tua forza
Ora siamo a casa.

14/4/2019 - 08:27

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