
Sweet Love for Planet Earth

Fuck Buttons
Language: English

Fuck Buttons

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Testo (non comprensibile nell'esecuzione del brano, tanta è la distorsione) trovato su Genius
Il brano è stato utilizzato anche nella colonna sonora della serie televisiva britannica "Top Boy".

Street Horrrsing

Lo so, lo so, sono tanti i giovani ottimisti che in questi ultimi mesi invocano il cambiamento, che la smettano gli uomini di violentare a morte il solo pianeta dove possono vivere... Io che sono vecchio e ormai scafato "sui giovani d'oggi ci scatarro su", come cantavano gli Afterhours, e insieme ai Fuck Buttons credo che ormai l'unica soluzione per favorire una rigenerazione planetaria sia l'estinzione, l'annientamento, la scomparsa del genere umano.
We're all afflicted with a heinous curse
Metacognition, now what could be worse?
Than to constantly question the meaning of life?
Eternally asking for answers to "Why?"
What will become of us? Will we evolve?
We seem to create more problems than we solve
Will we be angels above endless sky?
Or do we decay from the moment we die?
Will we become slaves to machines we create?
Will we succumb to our penchant for hate?
Will we destroy our own genetic code?
What will become of us years down the road?
Can we undo the deal that we struck out of fear?
Raping the globe, sobbing "the end is near!"?
Can we stand to look towards blinding light?
Or will we extinguish it out of spite?
Will we succeed reaching into deep space?
And go extinct breeding with alien races?
Is that how we already came to be?
Martian DNA in our family tree?
Why do we always ignore those in need?
And keep selling out to insatiable greed?
When we kill ourselves off, will all species join?
Does their fate even rest on the flip if a coin?
Or are we already collectively doomed?
Walking-dead marching towards our final tomb?
Even if we erase all the damage we've done
Is there any hope left for us under the sun?
For anyone who ever dared to ask why--
For Sweet Love of Planet Earth must we all die?
We're already dead or never were alive
This life's an illusion--it's all just a ride
Why are we here in the first place to ask ourselves "Why?"
What is the purpose, and what is the prize?
Is there some greater goal towards which to aspire?
Do we exist just to fulfill desire?
It's possible the reason we exist
Is to give subtle texture to times endless mist
It's possible, that we're only here
To live, die, evaporate and disappear
Nothing is permanent
We're only here til we die
There's no greater answer
To any of life's questions why
We're on our way out, we're going
We're going to die
There is no grand reason or purpose for being alive
We're here til we're not, that's the end, that's the nature of life
We're already dead if we don't realize this is life
We may as well be dead if we don't accept this is life
We're as good as dead because this is what we've done with life
We've chosen to do nothing greater than this with our lives
For Sweet Love of Planet Earth all human beings must die

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2019/3/28 - 23:04

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