
Ned Ludd Part 4 (Prelude to Peterloo)

Steeleye Span
Lingua: Inglese

Steeleye Span

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Gira e fai la rota

Bloody men
At the end of January in 1817
Prince regent rode through London in his carriage to be seen
When through the window crashed a stone
Thrown by the angry crowd, he set his mind to vengeance, hard punishments avowed

Secretive committees - both the Commons and the Lord
Wrote a new set of laws more cruel and sorts

You get more bread on the treadmill and your meat is free, besides
You need your strength to grind the corn and push a stone that size

But if you've been an honest man and never been inside,
Get seven pence and a gallon loaf with Poor Law subsidies

We're growing the corn that we can't afford to buy
How long must we stand and watch our children die?

Five thousand starving people met all in Saint Peter's Square
They would march to London and meet prince-regent there

Dressed in sacks and blankets against the winter cold
They had for him a letter which of their hardships told

The magistrates the Riot Act they solemnly did read
The troopers rode behind us and our bravest they did lead

Some they went to Macclesfield, and some of them went home -
Only six brave souls at Ashborne, across the bridge did go

Oliver was a Government spy, he said "Brandreth follow me,
For London she is ready to rise, to make all England free,
To make all England free!"

But when they came to Nottingham, the troops arrested some
Some they were transported, three of them were hung
Three of them were hung!

inviata da Dq82 - 22/3/2019 - 12:14

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