

Melody Gardot
Language: English

Melody Gardot

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Melody Gardot

Un capolavoro assoluto, musicalmente, ed un testo dedicato ad Emmett Till, a 60 anni dal suo brutale assassinio, un episodio che scosse la coscienza degli interi Stati Uniti d'America e che segnò una svolta epocale nel movimento per la libertà degli afro americani, allora ancora purtroppo ferma a prima della guerra di secessione, nonostante fosse passato già un secolo dalla fine della schiavitù...

(Ooooh ooooooh oooooh ooooooh)

Preacherman gon' tell me
Where his body lie
Said he down by the river now child
Left him there to die

One by one, we tumble
One by one, we fall
If I had a solution now, honey
I would fix us all

'Cause I believe in a world
Where we all belong
And I'm so tired of seein'
Every good man gone

Take me to that river
Lay me by his side
Let the water wash me clean now, honey
Man don't stole my pride

I have seen the darkness
Lord knows I've seen the light
Don't recall the Lord
Sayin' there's a difference
If you're black or white

'Cause I believe in a world
Where we all belong
And I'm so tired of seein'
Every good man gone

(Ooooh ooooooh oooooh ooooooh)

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2019/2/2 - 21:58

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