
Support Your Local Back-Alley Abortion Clinic

Lingua: Inglese


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Album / Albumi: The Right Disease


"This is the first officially released full length by Abhorrance. It features guest vocals by Troy from Riff Raff, and many old songs and poems redone for actual release. The albums theme strayed from its original concept design heavily supporting pro-choice, and now features many themes such as abortion, the cattle industry, greed in high politics and the battle between religion and state. Drumming for this album by former member Ben Christensen. Former bassist Ian Bowers also provides backing vox. Produced by Aarom Hellam and Zack Ohren at Castle Ultimate Studios, in Oakland Ca." - Amazon Music - The Right Disease
Once kissed in this rain
But now tears stream down her face
Controlled, broken and lost
Without resource to sustain
A choice stripped away
Morals lacking thought
Graze of skin
Touch of death
Or create life
Unto affliction
Raped by blind ignorance
Of Man and Holy Spirit
Condemned to burn forever
And suffer in silence
Anyone with a cock
Has no right to decide
Devoid of sentient viability

[Solo: Brandon]
Keep your hands off their fucking bodies
Forced to resort to endless malpractice
Spoken for by the blood on her coat hanger

8/12/2018 - 05:05

Lingua: Italiano

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 9-12-2018 10:54

On. Simone Pillon ("Lega Salvini", ex "Nord"). La traduzione gli e' sentitamente dedicata.
On. Simone Pillon ("Lega Salvini", ex "Nord"). La traduzione gli e' sentitamente dedicata.

Una volta baciata in questa pioggia
Ma ora le lacrime le scorrono giù per il viso
Controllata, spezzata, perduta
Senza una risorsa come sostegno
Una scelta strappata via
Morali prive di pensiero
Sfioro della pelle
Tocco della morte
Oppure creare una vita
Fino a soffrirne
Stuprata dall'ignoranza cieca
Dell'Uomo e dello Spirito Santo
Dannata a bruciare per l'eternità
E a soffrire in silenzio
Chiunque abbia il cazzo
Non ha diritto di decidere
Privo di qualsiasi empatia

[Solo: Brandon]
Giù le mani dai loro corpi, cazzo,
Costrette a ricorrere alla malasanità
Testimoniata dal sangue sulla sua gruccia per abiti

9/12/2018 - 10:54

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