(we won't leave you alone, we want you to die, we won't leave you alone)
Oh leave me, oh leave me, oh leave me, leave me
Oh love me, oh love me, oh love me
Oh leave me, leave me, oh leave me, leave me
Oh love me, oh love me, leave me alone
O Billy the bully
Come on out of your hideout
Billy the bully, it's alright
You've been forgiven
Come on now Zacchaeus
Come down from your sycamore tree
Where guns sing, roses are found dancing
For me the difference between love and hate
Weighs the same difference between risotto and rice pudding
And the difference between a dog and a stranger
Weighs the same difference between children and bullying
Some say, they wonder why you bullied me, but I laugh
'Cause I know that you know that we will never never know why they hate the bullyings
Oh Billy (final balance, final balance)
It's forgiven
Billy bully, bully Billy
It's alright
No, it's fine
No, if the supremacy will come in, now congratulations
Let's hope as the growing grows we'll be able to handle
Billy the bully
Once a serious case
Twice a forgiven case
Wonderings are never ending
The wonderings are never ending
The wonderings are never ceasing
The wonderings are never ending
Oh leave me, oh leave me, oh leave me, leave me
Oh love me, oh love me, oh love me
Oh leave me, leave me, oh leave me, leave me
Oh love me, oh love me, leave me alone
O Billy the bully
Come on out of your hideout
Billy the bully, it's alright
You've been forgiven
Come on now Zacchaeus
Come down from your sycamore tree
Where guns sing, roses are found dancing
For me the difference between love and hate
Weighs the same difference between risotto and rice pudding
And the difference between a dog and a stranger
Weighs the same difference between children and bullying
Some say, they wonder why you bullied me, but I laugh
'Cause I know that you know that we will never never know why they hate the bullyings
Oh Billy (final balance, final balance)
It's forgiven
Billy bully, bully Billy
It's alright
No, it's fine
No, if the supremacy will come in, now congratulations
Let's hope as the growing grows we'll be able to handle
Billy the bully
Once a serious case
Twice a forgiven case
Wonderings are never ending
The wonderings are never ending
The wonderings are never ceasing
The wonderings are never ending
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 11/11/2018 - 21:39
Parole e musica di Benjamin Clementine
Un brano poi incluso nell'album "I Tell a Fly", pubblicato nel 2017
Una riflessione a partire dalla propria esperienza, quando da bambino e da ragazzo Benjamin Clementine – londinese trapiantato a Parigi, dove visse per strada molti anni - fu più volte vittima di violenze. E dal piano personale e particolare il grande artista inglese passa a quello mondiale, universale: le vittime delle guerre sono vittime di bulli, paesi potenti e tracotanti come gli USA e la Gran Bretagna bullizzano altri paesi: "Aleppoville is a place where many are bullied if not all, but no one understands nor see why; Phantom." (BC su Rockshot Music Magazine)
"I wouldn’t say it’s just to do with Syria. It is also to do with my own life and talking about me getting bullied by all sorts of people… I certainly am very fortunate that I am not experiencing what the people in Syria are experiencing, but I think it all comes down to one thing, and that is bullying. The Americans and the English, we bully people. In the song the reason why it’s a phantom is that we can’t see the reason. Not seeing the reason, not seeing why we get bullied, is basically the phantom." (BC su The Fader)