

Björn Afzelius
Language: Swedish

Björn Afzelius

List of versions

Related Songs

En sång till modet
(Mikael Wiehe)
(Björn Afzelius)
Gracias a la vida
(Violeta Parra)

Prime Minister Olof Palme lead the Social Democratic party in Sweden from 1969 until his assassination (February 28, 1986). He was killed on Sveavägen, one of the main streets in Stockholm. The you tube video shows powerful images from that tragic event.

The lyrics of "Natten" were written by Mikael Wiehe and the music is by Björn Afzelius. The song is on the album Björn Afzelius & Mikael Wiehe (1986)

Olof Palme

On Mikael Wiehe's website he commented in "Sångerna," 2002":

"Många skrev sånger om mordet på Olof Palme. Här är en."
(Many wrote songs about the murder of Olof Palme. Here is one.)

Palme was shot dead here

My husband and I were on sabbatical in Stockholm when this terrible event took place. Several nights before the murder, we had been to the same movie theatre to see "The Mozart Brothers" film by Suzanne Osten. The feeling in Stockholm that next day when we all read the huge headlines, was similar to when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
Så hann då döden upp dej
med rå och våldsam kraft.
I en fulltecknad almanacka
fanns ändå lite plats

Så sprang då livet från dej
på fjäderlätta steg.
Försvann omkring ett gathörn
och syntes inte mer.

En blixt ur tomma intet.
En kall och ändlös natt.
Där skuggor jagar skuggor
som ingen kan ta fatt.

Ditt blod låg kvar på gatan
som en spegel blank och ren.
Där framtiden blev synlig
för den som kunde se.

En blixt ur tomma intet......

Contributed by Ceil Herman - 2018/10/13 - 19:10

Language: English

English translation by Ceil Herman

So death came to you
with raw and violent power.
In a full calendar
was still found a little place

So life was running from you
with a step as light as a butterfly.
Disappeared around a corner
and was seen no more.

A flash out of empty nothingness.
A cold and endless night.
Where shadows hunt shadows
that no one can catch.

Your blood lay there on the street
like a mirror shiny and clean.
There the future became visible
for those who could see.

A flash out of empty nothingness....

Contributed by Ceil Herman - 2018/10/13 - 23:10

Language: Finnish

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Finsk översättning / Suomennos: Juha Rämö

Ja niin kuolema sinut tavoitti
raa'alla, väkivaltaisella voimalla.
Täyteen piirretyssä almanakassa
oli vielä hieman tilaa.

Ja niin kuolema kiirehti luotasi
höyhenenkevyin askelin
Se katosi kadunkulman taakse
katseiden ulottumattomiin.

Salama olemattomuuden tyhjyydestä.
Kylmä ja loputon yö.
Siellä, missä varjot ajavat takaa varjoja,
joita kukaan ei voi saada kiinni.

Kadun pinnassa sinun veresi
kirkkaana ja puhtaana kuin peili.
Siellä, missä tulevaisuus näkyi
sille, joka osasi katsoa.

Salama olemattomuuden tyhjyydestä......

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2018/10/15 - 10:48

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