
In the Night

Pet Shop Boys
Language: English

Pet Shop Boys

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Scritta da Neil Tennant e Chris Lowe
Un singolo poi incluso in moltissime raccolte e remixes

In the Night

Neil Tennant, laureato in Storia, ha avuto sempre un grande interesse per i fondamenti del totalitarismo. Questa canzone è dedicata ai cosiddetti "Zazous", i giovani swingers francesi che, come gli omologhi tedeschi della Swingjugend, negli anni dell'ultima guerra furono perseguitati dai regimi, perchè la loro condotta anarcoide, gaudente e scanzonata non si addiceva all'ordine costituito, e bollati dalla Resistenza come codardi menefreghisti, quando non come collaborazionisti, per la loro attitudine apolitica benchè antiautoritaria.

La stella gialla che molti Zazous portavano come protesta contro le leggi razziali.
La stella gialla che molti Zazous portavano come protesta contro le leggi razziali.

Si veda l'ampia pagina dedicata agli Zazous su Y a des Zazous di Andrex (1944)
Zazou, what you gonna do?
There's a lot of people gunning for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night
That Zazou he don't care
Dark glasses, long hair
Takes his time, sneers at men
Some ugly people want revenge
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night
In the night

That Zazou he sleeps all day
then down to Select or Le Colisée
Sips his drinks, orders more
says what he thinks and it's a crazy war
Zazou, what you gonna do?
A knock on the door in the night
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

And when the soldiers strut
all he cares about is love
And when the flags are out
all he cares about is love
Well there's a thin line
between love and crime
and in this situation
a thin line between love and crime
and collaboration
in the night

Zazou, what you gonna do?
There's a lot of people gunning for you
Zazou, comment allez-vous?
A knock on the door in the night

Now everybody's under somebody's spell
unless they've already gone to hell
In the streets you can hear the people say
'That Zazou he should be locked away'

When the soldiers strut
all he cares about is love
When the flags are out
all he cares about is love
And there's a thin line
between love and crime
and in this situation
a thin line between love and crime
and collaboration

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2018/10/11 - 21:36

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