
Walking in Your Footsteps

The Police
Langue: anglais

The Police

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Impronte di dinosauro

Milioni di anni fa i dinosauri dominavano il pianeta. Poi si sono estinti. L'Umanità con l'invenzione della bomba atomica sta seguendo le loro orme. L'estinzione della nostra specie è ormai prossima?

Una canzone che risente del clima della guerra fredda dal bellissimo quinto e ultimo album dei Police.
Fifty million years ago
You walked upon the planet so
Lord of all that you could see
Just a little bit like me

Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps

Hey Mr. Dinosaur
You really couldn't ask for more
You were God's favorite creature
But you didn't have a future

Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps

Hey there mighty brontosaurus
Don't you have a lesson for us
You thought your rule would always last
There were no lessons in your past
You were built three stories high
They say you would not hurt a fly
If we explode the atom bomb
Would they say that we were dumb

Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps
Walking in your footsteps

They say the meek shall inherit the earth...
They say the meek shall inherit the earth...

envoyé par Lorenzo - 10/9/2018 - 19:03

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