
They Can't Stop the Spring

Lingua: Inglese


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La canzone prende spunto dalla famosa frase di Neruda: «Potranno tagliare tutti i fiori ma non fermeranno mai la primavera»,
The curtain has been raised
The wall no longer stands
And from Lisadell to Latvia
We're singing as one clan

The curtain has been raised
And Europe's all one stage
And the archipelagic icicles
Have melted like the cage

We don't need no party
Just a party band
A continental choir
Singing hand in hand

They might scare the blackbird
But they cannot stop him sing
They may steal the honey
But they'll never steal the sting
They may crush the flowers
Trample every living thing
But they can't stop the spring

They might scare the blackbird
But they cannot stop him sing
They may steal the honey
But they'll never steal the sting
They may crush the flowers
Trample every living thing
But they can't stop the spring

They might scare the blackbird
But they cannot stop him sing
They may steal the honey
But they'll never steal the sting
They may crush the flowers
Trample every living thing
But they can't stop the spring

22/8/2018 - 00:05

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