

Josh White
Lingua: Inglese

Josh White

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Si trova in numerose raccolte degli anni '40/'45

Kicking Hitler

Inclusa anche nella compilation intitolata “Kickin' Hitler's Butt: Vintage Anti-Fascist Songs 1940-‎‎1944”

Josh White performs solo the amazing ‘Fuehrer’. The song tells of a German soldier, on the Russian front, starving and freezing to death dreaming he could go back home to Berlin. A sad song and beautifully played but not devoid of humour too.

Ipotetica lettera di un soldato tedesco al Fuhrer che sogna solo di tornarsene a casa... triste e ironica.
Tell me my Fuhrer what can I do?
My hands are freezing and my nose is blue
I'm dying of cold but then you never can tell
'Cause when the Russians come they make it harder than hell

I got a touch of pneumonia I got a terrible cough
If I sneeze once more It's bound to carry me off
When the Russians come they always take us bust on
And there's nothing like running if you want to get warm

I wanna go back to what's left of Berlin
Sick of a war that I ain't gonna win
I seen the big red star Let's get the pants off the Czar
Wanna go back to Berlin

Now listen my Fuhrer I'm dead on my feet
I've got no place for sleeping I've got nothing to eat
We've gone and finished all the food that we brought
And there's nothing here for miles around but food for thought

I've tightened my belt it damn near cuts me in two
I've slept on my feet till my boots wore through
When I get thirsty I melt snow in my cup
Well I may be going hungry but I'm all fed up

I wanna go back to what's left of Berlin
Sick of a war that I ain't gonna win
I seen the big red star Let's get the pants off the Czar
Wanna go back to Berlin

Now tell me my Fuhrer How the hell can I be brave
I've got one foot in Russia I've got one in the grave
I've got snow in my rifle I've got lead in my pants
I'm so lonesome for a touch of romance

Well I went to a village and I spotted a gal
I made a pass at her just to boost my morale
I got one broken ankle I got two black eyes
Why couldn't she pick on somebody her size?

I wanna go back to what's left of Berlin
Sick of a war that I ain't gonna win
I seen the big red star Let's get the pants off the Czar
Wanna go back to Berlin

inviata da Dq82 - 20/8/2018 - 16:45

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