
Soft Parachutes

Paul Simon
Lingua: Inglese

Paul Simon

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Parole e musica di Paul Simon.
Nel suo album “One-Trick Pony” del 1980, che è anche il titolo di un film da lui scritto e interpretato, diretto da Robert M. Young.

One-Trick Pony
Soft parachutes, Fourth of July
And villages burning
Returning the bodies, all laid in a line
Like soft parachutes

Last year, I was a senior
In Emmerson High School
I had me a girlfriend
We used to get high
And now I am flying
Down some Vietnam highway
Don’t ask me the reason
God only knows why

Soft parachutes, Fourth of July
And villages burning
Returning the bodies, all laid in a line
Soft parachutes

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 29/6/2018 - 10:50

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