

Fatoumata Diawara
Lingua: Bambara

Fatoumata Diawara

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Parole e musica di Fatoumata Diawara
La traduzione inglese di autore ignoto da Sacks And Co

bel concerto stasera a Breslavia, grazie Africa, grazie Fatoumata, grazie, grazie, grazie...
Fenfo (Something to say)

I asked my mother, but she did not tell me anything
I asked my father, but he did not tell me anything
My brothers and sisters did not tell me anything either
Such is the world, they did not tell me anything

Such is the world, they did not tell me anything

I'm calling my beloved mother Djeneba

Such is the world, they did not tell me anything

Friends are killing each other every day
But they did not tell me anything
Neighbours wish each other harm every day
But they did not tell me anything
Brothers are killing each other every day
But mother, you did not tell me anything
Siblings tear into each other every day in this world
But father, you did not tell me anything
Friends act hatefully towards one other
But you did not tell me anything
Such is the world, they did not tell me anything
They did not tell me anything

inviata da Krzysiek - 25/6/2018 - 01:04

Krzysiek - 27/6/2018 - 17:46

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