
Song for Rachel Corrie

Darryl Purpose
Lingua: Inglese

Darryl Purpose

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Next Time Around
Look into the future, see the light that shines there
See the world that we make, a world free of warfare
Where everybody wants the same things
A place to feel safe and loved in, and wings

Look into the future, see the light that shines there
Though it seems that she's gone, I think she will be there
There with the dispossessed still lookin, for home
With the underdog refugees and the hungry, she'll roam

And everybody wants the same things
A place to feel safe and loved in, and wings

To all my fallen heroes, I offer up a brief prayer
Though it seems that you're gone, I know you will be there
Where everybody wants the same things
In a place you feel safe and loved in, and wings

Look into the future, see the light that shines there

inviata da Dq82 - 21/5/2018 - 20:07

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