
Dreaming of Waltzing

Edith Segal
Lingua: Inglese

Parole e musica di Edith Segal (1902-1997), danzatrice, coreografa, cantautrice e poeta ebrea americana
Testo trovato su, nei file dell’FBI sul caso Rosenberg resi disponibili in base al FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act)

Sulla vicenda di Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg, ebrei e comunisti, che nel 1951 vennero giustiziati sulla sedia elettrica per spionaggio in favore dell’URSS, si vedano A Ethel Rosenberg di Jorge Cafrune, Si nous mourons (Lettre d'Ethel Rosenberg à ses enfants)‎ di Jean Ferrat, The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg di David Rovics e My Loved One della stessa Edith Segal.
I'm dreaming of waltzing, darling
Just as we used to do
Gliding and gently swaying
Whisp’ring sweet words to you
We step from our cells, they vanish
With the magic of truth, we’re away
Waltzing down the dim halls
Past the high prison walls
And into the light of day.

Remember our wedding party
We danced for the family
Joyously all applauded
They said we’d live happily
Again in your arms, you hold me
The shadow of death torn away
Waltzing down the dim halls
Past the high prison walls
And into the light of day.

Our children are waiting for us
Like flow’rs in the sun they stand
Their faith in us now rewarded
Clapping their little hands
The people who fought for justice
Who saved us from death, we embrace
Arm in arm we go forth
Holding our sons aloft
Building peace in the new life we face.

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 17/5/2018 - 14:48

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