
My Loved One

Edith Segal
Langue: anglais

Edith Segal

Liste des versions

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A Thousand Letters
Si nous mourons (Lettre d'Ethel Rosenberg à ses enfants)‎
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Dreaming of Waltzing
(Edith Segal)

Parole e musica di Edith Segal (1902-1997), danzatrice, coreografa, cantautrice e poeta ebrea americana
Interpretata da Helene Williams, voce, e Leonard J. Lehrman, pianoforte, nel loro disco “Songs Of Conscience” (1990), interamente dedicato all’opera della Segal.
Testo trovato su, nei file dell’FBI sul caso Rosenberg resi disponibili in base al FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act)

Una canzone che Helene Williams canta da sempre all’annuale meeting del comitato nazionale americano per la riapertura del caso Rosenberg.
Sulla vicenda di Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg, ebrei e comunisti, che nel 1951 vennero giustiziati sulla sedia elettrica per spionaggio in favore dell’URSS, si vedano A Ethel Rosenberg di Jorge Cafrune, Si nous mourons (Lettre d'Ethel Rosenberg à ses enfants)‎ di Jean Ferrat e The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg di David Rovics.

Dedicated to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, “for the purity and dignity of their love.”
What shines from your cell
To my lonely cell, my loved one?
What shines from your cell
To my lonely cell, my loved one?
Your eyes like bright stars
Shining through prison bars
Your eyes like bright stars, my loved one.

Oh if I could bring
Oh what would I bring my loved one?
Oh if I could bring
Oh what would I bring my loved one?
I’d bring a red rose
And my heart I’d enclose
I’d bring a red rose, my loved one.

Oh if I could speak
Oh what would I say, my loved one?
Oh if I could speak
Oh what would I say, my loved one?
I’d say “I love you
Our love’s old, our love’s new.”
I’d say ”I love you,” my loved one.

Oh if we could sing
Of what would we sing, my loved one?
Oh if we could sing
Of what would we sing, my loved one?
We’d sing of the light
That comes out of dark night
We’d sing of the light, my loved one.

Will our children laugh
Will we hear them laugh, my loved one?
Will our children laugh
Will we hear them laugh, mv loved one?
We know it will be
For the people and we
Will fight till we’re free, my loved one.

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 17/5/2018 - 08:39

Langue: français

Traduzione francese da “Les Lettres Françaises”, gennaio 1953.

Oh! si je pouvais donner
Que donnerais-je à mon seul amour?
Je donnerais un rose rouge
Dans mon coeur je l’enfermerais
Pour la donner à mon seul amour.

Oh! si je pouvais chanter
Que chanterais-je à mon seul amour?
Je chanterais la lumière
Qui jaillit de la nuit noire
Je chanterais la lumière, mon seul amour.

Nos enfants riront-ils?
Les entendrons-nous rire, mon seul amour.
Nous savons, que oui
Car le peuple et nous-mêmes
Combattrons jusqu’à la liberté, mon seul amour.

envoyé par B.B. - 17/5/2018 - 08:45

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