
England's Broken Doll

A. E. Andrews
Language: English

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Sull’aria di una canzone dell’epoca intitolata “Broken Doll”
L’autore di questa due strofe è stato tal A. E. Andrews, cannoniere del Corpo di spedizione britannico (British Expeditionary Force o BEF), inviato in Francia e Belgio all’inizio della Grande Guerra in soccorso dei francesi. Evidentemente l’autore rimase mutilato in battaglia.

Nella raccolta curata da Frederick Thomas Nettleingham, sottoufficiale di Sua Maestà, e intitolata “More Tommy's Tunes: An Additional Collection of Soldiers' Songs, Marching Melodies, Rude Rhymes and Popular Parodies, Composed, Collected, and Arranged on Active Service with the B.E.F.”, pubblicata a Londra nel 1918.
A lady came to me a year ago
She said that I should very much like to know
Why aren't you in Khaki or Navy Blue
Why don't you serve your Country, as your Country serves you?

I looked at her quite startled, then replied
Don't think that I'm a shirker after all
I think I've had my chance
For my right arm's in France, I'm one of England's "Broken Dolls."

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2018/5/16 - 08:25

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