
Come Fill Up Your Glasses

Peggy Seeger
Lingua: Inglese

Peggy Seeger

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Parole di Peggy Seeger, sulla melodia di una tradizionale drinking song
Nel disco “New Briton Gazette, Vol. 1” (Folkways, 1960), con Ewan MacColl
Testo trovato su libretto del disco.

New Briton Gazette, Vol. 1
Come fill up your glasses with whiskey and beer
And drink a full glass to a happy new year
To our sisters and brothers, and may they live long
So lift up your glasses and join in this song

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

Long life to the miners the whole world around
Who spend their days in a hole underground
Whose road is a tunnel, whose day is the night
Out of danger and darkness they bring power and light.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

Our thanks too the fishermen and safe may they toil
And also to the farmer who turns up the soil
To the ploughmen and shepherds and all men of worth
Whose joy is to harvest the fruits of the earth.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

Here's to the drivers and firemen and the rest of the team
Who keep the stock rolling by diesel and stream
To the cleaners and shunters who work night and day
And the track-laying gangs on the permanent way.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

A toast to the casual laboring man
Who lives where his work is, who works where he can
To the builders and spidermen and bold engineers
May your wages keep rising, lads, over the years.
So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

To the writers and artists, then, let's drink a health
To people whose hopes, and whose dreams are our wealth
Whose tools are but canvas or paper and pen
Whose harvest is the future and the progress of men.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

Let the men drink a health to their sweethearts and wives
And the ladies, being willing, will greet them likewise
May your pleasures be many, your troubles be few
May you treasure the day you made one out of two.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men

Let's drink to our children and let us prepare
A world where they'll live free from sorrow and care
A world where goodwill among men is the law
A world without fallout, a world without war.

So we'll fill up your glasses and drink once again
To peace on earth and good will among men.

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 11/5/2018 - 09:57

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